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General discussions : Rumours : New SE youth smartphone to come simultaneously with P810?
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goldorak Posts: 401 reported this:

Tuesday 24 June 2003
Sony Ericsson P810 - the beginning of sales in the third quarter
[ 12:01 ] Author: Eldar Murtazin Translation by:

According to the interview for Swedish newspaper SVD, the president of Ericsson company has mentioned new smartphone from Sony Ericsson, we'll describe its characteristics. The new device will appear in sale in the third quarter of this year, its difference from the predecessor is in essentially other materials used at creation of the case. Externally the device is closer to Sony Ericsson T610, the common features are traced. The case of silver color is made of metal alloy, the keys are chromeplated. By height the device does not differ from the predecessor, while its thickness is approximately twice less. The built-in camera now has 1.3 Megapixel resolution, that allows to receive the pictures of better quality pictures and resolutions (1280x1024 against 640x480 in P800). From other changes it is necessary to note the improved screen, on the sun it behaves well, the picture does not fade. In my personal opinion, the new smartphone has turned out rather stylish and one of the most attractive in the market, as from position of functionality, and price.

It is supposed, that P810 will appear in sale in November and its cost will make about 650-700 Euro. From the moment of its occurrence the price for P800 will fall a little. Simultaneously with this product it will be offered a youth smartphone in the average price segment.

Could it be this?

[ This Message was edited by: goldorak on 2003-07-01 18:06 ]
Posted: 2003-07-01 19:04:49
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wrecked_porsche Posts: > 500

Could it be ? Looks nice tho ...
Posted: 2003-07-01 19:14:21
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Rashkae Posts: > 500

nice photochopping.
Posted: 2003-07-01 19:18:03
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Jim Posts: > 500

No no, bad photoshoped ...
Posted: 2003-07-01 19:50:31
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Rav250 Posts: 174

look ok, need 1 in my hand to tell wot i really think of it tho
Posted: 2003-07-01 19:56:15
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sprinkles Posts: 322

you need to add a drop shadow around the screen facing direct right (click the f in the layers pallette, then twiddle with the options)
Posted: 2003-07-01 23:32:00
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Sony Ericsson Indonesia Posts: > 500

On 2003-07-01 19:18:03, Rashkae wrote:
nice photochopping.

Hows that photo shopped thats drawn
Posted: 2003-08-10 19:59:16
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davo87 Posts: 204

looks like a T610 with the keypad chopped off.......
Posted: 2003-08-10 20:15:44
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yoshi77 Posts: 81

No, this is not a new phone. These are the drawings that somebody at drew to show how he thought the p810/900 would look like, since there were no pictures of the phone back then.

Posted: 2003-08-10 20:21:21
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