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> New secret in T68 R2B013
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Go to "Fun & Games" => "Games" => "Naval fleet"
Is there an option called "Highscore"?
If NO read Option ONE,
If YES read Option TWO,
Option ONE - how to show "Highscore" under "Naval fleet"
under "Fun & Games" => "Games" =>
select "Erix" => exit "Erix" =>
select "Naval fleet" ==>>
you will get the "Highscore" option
Option TWO - how to hide "Highscore" under "Naval fleet"
under "Fun & Games" => "Games" =>
select any games except "Erix"&"Naval fleet" =>
exit that game =>
select "Naval fleet" ==>
the "Highscore" option now disappeared
Posted: 2002-03-23 03:49:00
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Not new secret! Just another bug! You get the high score option in your naval fleet menu but you cant get any high scores! Just a white empty screen!
So you discovered a bug and not a secret! Nice to know my friend! There are many bugs in every mobile phone nowadays! You see they have to design them program them and get them to the market so fast that the customers are not called customers any more but they are called debuggers!
Posted: 2002-03-23 03:57:00
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yes you can treat it as a bug, I just post it for joke. Sorry about that, 'cause I am waiting the f**king mms supported firmware for a looong time. Maybe this post can make everyone laugh.
Posted: 2002-03-23 04:02:00
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Nice point there with the 'debugger' thing
Posted: 2002-03-23 05:22:00
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