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> For sale - Orange uk PAYG sim with good number
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How much would you pay for:
JT sim - Old style but cut to size by myself. Very good condition.
It can be transfered into your name & then used on PAYG or moved onto contract. I can supply security info to do this.
The number is: 0781* 666 505.
No credit - it's laying around doing nowt.
It may go on e-bay.
Any offers????
Posted: 2003-07-11 12:17:24
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Post here or PM me
Posted: 2003-07-11 13:06:36
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A couple of years ago when Orange were more keen to get customers, i got (without paying a fee) my number which is 07970, then type my name on the keypad & its my number (not "pachy" but my real name),& because this is a contract OVP number i can keep it at no cost for as long as Orange exist.
I got personal numbers for some friends also, 263739 (andrew),564637 (joiner) if the number i wanted was dormant i would be given the date it was likely to go back into the system then i could adopt it for use on a fresh contract or exchange it for the persons old number.
They wont do that kind of thing now....Maybe if you paid them ??
Posted: 2003-07-12 03:47:30
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Yeh you can still do that - you ask for a request to be sent to number allocation - they will say wether it's availble.
I've got some cracking numbers 282 686 & 282 606 with excellent prefix's - they are not for sale though.
Posted: 2003-07-12 04:16:11
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I have 07967 \"my birthdate\" ^_~ its a pretty good number a well! ~Eva
This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2003-07-12 13:07:12
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Do they charge for this these days? How much?
This message was posted from a T300
Posted: 2003-07-12 13:17:39
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Standard number change is £10. If its a gomd number £50, £100 or £300+vat!! - so no takers on the sim then? I ho its off to ebay i go
This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2003-07-12 18:49:26
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all those prices quoted by orangeman are correct except they are plus VAT. you can indeed get some crascking number i have 2 fatreg (328734) ones and a 007007 one!! all with well easy original orage prefixes and guess what i got em free!!

cuz i work for the suckers!!
but its well easy fone 150 from ya fone and its a memorable number your after
Posted: 2003-07-27 17:31:50
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So if I wanted 101067 xxxx7837436 I just ring up Orange and see if they are available. Can I change my contract number for these, or do I need to take out a new contract.
Posted: 2003-07-28 18:00:13
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U can exchange your existing number for it.
This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2003-07-30 01:20:49
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