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Market : Accessories for sale : SE HPR-11FM stereo radio handsfree
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en7jos Posts: 21

Condition is virtually as new (but no box) as only used a couple of times before getting a bluetooth handsfree. Ear piece foam covers are still sealed in bag.

Comes housed in a black wallet with neck cord and an embossed Ericsson logo. Pockets inside hold the ear pieces and foam covers, and if you have a smaller phone, (T68i etc) I found it could also hold that too. Call quality excellent with answer button on neck cord very handy. Plus bonus of a decent little FM stereo radio for when you're out and about. Picks up stations a treat!

See my eBay auction here:

Thanks for the interest!
Posted: 2003-08-14 14:40:45
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MaThIbUs Posts: > 500

How much is it? (can't check that eBay auction via WAP) Or isn't it a \"Buy now\" item? This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2003-08-14 14:48:42
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o44wen Posts: > 500

it is currently £7.50 with p+p at £1
Posted: 2003-08-14 14:53:18
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MaThIbUs Posts: > 500

Worldwide shipping? Auction ends in …? This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2003-08-14 14:58:56
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en7jos Posts: 21

Auction ends this Sunday (17/8) at 10:50pm.

Current highest bid in auction is £10.50.

Will post to Europe (Belgium?) at standard £1 postage.

Posted: 2003-08-15 09:37:54
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MaThIbUs Posts: > 500

Damn, don't have Internet acces for another two weeks as I'm now on vacation (aaarrgh!) :sad: Good luck with your auction anyway! This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2003-08-15 09:44:04
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masseur Posts: > 500

MaThIbUs, I got my 2 kids one each of these for their T300s but they rarely use them and would rather have the money for something so when you get back just PM me and we'll do a deal which will make you and one of the kids happy!

...Unless I'm very much mistaken

[ This Message was edited by: masseur on 2003-08-15 08:52 ]
Posted: 2003-08-15 09:51:37
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en7jos Posts: 21

Gone! - Thanks for the interest
Posted: 2003-08-19 15:05:56
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