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Market : Accessories for sale : Giveaway: Big T610 cutout.
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Bogus Jimmy Posts: 282

I am able to get a big T610 cardboard cutout from my work. When I say big I mean 3 and a half feet tall! I have one on my wall plus I will be able to take another when the promotion at work finishes. It will have a few staple holes in the top.

Here is the pic of the one on my wall:

I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in it, maybe just to show their loyalty to the almightly T610. I don't know if they are easy to get but for all I know they could be very rare and sought after.

PM or email me. I won't be charging anything except postage to wherever you are. Tell me where you are and I'll look into how much to send it. If a few people are interested then highest bidder wins.
Posted: 2003-08-24 16:33:27
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binoblaine05 Posts: 480

nice...a BIG piece of art!!!
Try gettin a P800 in the ceiling and a T68i on the floor!

Posted: 2003-08-24 17:56:07
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vtr Posts: 407

just wondering... how do you attach a PIC to your post?
Posted: 2003-08-24 18:49:57
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wrath000 Posts: > 500

You can use BBCode, or "img src= " html tags. Note that you first have to upload the image elsewhere on the net...

If I had all the answers, I wouldn't have any questions.

[ This Message was edited by: wrath000 on 2003-08-24 17:52 ]
Posted: 2003-08-24 18:52:15
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