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Hobbes Posts: 249

I wondered if it's possible to print infrared from t68 like you can from sl45. We have plenty of ir printers here at school, but I can't find the feature on my t68.
Posted: 2002-04-05 13:59:00
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thib Posts: 46

same for me. Can't figure out how to send e-mail I've got on my 68i to the Hp 6P in my office.

Don't know if that feature exists...

Posted: 2002-04-05 14:48:00
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Ne0 Posts: 353

Only way for me was to print with the bluetooth
Have a HP Deskjet 995cxi
Posted: 2002-04-05 14:50:00
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Hobbes Posts: 249

Winder if it would be possible with ir print with a software upgrade. Think I'll ask SE
Posted: 2002-04-05 15:59:00
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