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Market : Mobile phones wanted : wanted R380 / R380e / R380sc / R380s
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ryanloo Posts: 2

hi there esato members,

i'm seeking for the phone stated above. i'm from malaysia, so i wish that the seller is from malaysia as well. the phone condition can be new or 2nd hand.

thanks for viewing my post.
Posted: 2003-09-30 10:37:40
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melbenz Posts: 51

i got brandnew r380 and its the latest of all versions the r380 world. can be used in 120 countries and triband. its only $185 us dollars but the problem im in manila philippines....63-9196121298
Posted: 2003-10-23 21:32:53
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Cytech Posts: > 500

just a little note... R380 World is not triband... it works only on 900 and 1900MHz...
Posted: 2003-10-23 22:02:41
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ryanloo Posts: 2

thanks guys,
but i just got 1 brand new 2 weeks ago already.
thanks again.
Posted: 2003-10-24 04:16:19
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