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General discussions : Rumours : photo quality of gsm camera's
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anderenic Posts: 39


I would like to know if there is a mobile phone that has a camera that takes pictures of the same quality as a digital camera.
Or in the near future is there coming such a mobile phone?
maybe the Z1010?


Posted: 2003-10-29 22:50:27
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anderenic Posts: 39

Posted: 2003-10-30 12:07:06
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masseur Posts: > 500

There are rumours of 1megapixel cams in GSM phones to come, but the Z1010 is still VGA, same as P800
Posted: 2003-10-30 12:14:39
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floke Posts: > 500

... but still 1 megpixel is a way too low resolution if you want to take serious photos.
Posted: 2003-10-30 13:14:25
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masseur Posts: > 500

thats the point though.

If you want to take serious photos then buy a proper digital camera.

Multi function devices with many features built into one device will always be a compromise and do you really want to be sending multi-mega pixel pictures via GPRS?
Posted: 2003-10-30 13:18:11
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SnowBear Posts: > 500

buy a Pocket Dv3300 camcoder
Posted: 2004-01-03 19:48:37
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mhosny Posts: 1

No matter what cameras on phones are like in the future, normal digi cams will ALWAYS be better than phone cameras. So if you want to take serious photos like on a trip or something, buy a normal digicam. Camera phones are only used when you see the "unexpected".
Posted: 2004-01-11 22:28:22
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