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General discussions : Rumours : Address Book 610
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silmer Posts: 70

I bought a p800 and sold my Psion Revo. However the 800 was too big for me. I have always had small phones, Sony Z5, T29. I then bought a T610 but was very disappointed that there was no room for addresses in the phone book. What are the chances of this changing, or do I have to buy a Sony Clie?
Posted: 2003-11-14 20:54:00
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masseur Posts: > 500

The chances of it changing are unlikely however some people do change the mapping in XTNDconnect so that the outlook address gets mapped to a field they don't use in the T610 contacts although I vaguely recall you are limited to 30 characters
Posted: 2003-11-14 21:01:50
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