General discussions : General : Is it me or are some people taking BJackin a bit to seriously?
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> Is it me or are some people taking BJackin a bit to seriously?
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talks of blue jacking meets and obsseiveness and fantasys over blue jacking?
Especially with the noobs i mean its something most of have been doing for years and now people are getting rather obsessed with it surley feels like its getting a bit OTT
and it's bit sad. IT used to be cool something between the SE pepole now its just a bit sad that alot of people are jumping on the band wagon and getting a bit anal over it!
not long till perverts start using it they probably already are any way looks as though blue jacking will go out with a bang shame it only started coming in when blue jacking opportunities are going down on a daily basis with all new BT phones haveing pass keys and authorisation before accpetance with no alert tones!
well any way people chill out stop taking this so seriously and stop refering to people you blue jacked as victims as their not actually being victimised of any thing!
Posted: 2003-11-15 20:22:12
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Yea, i only take it seriously when im gettin pissed off about all the joe average mugs who are runnin around screaming about this great 'new' way to secretly send messages to people whoop de doo. its a lot of fun when the person youre giving a bj to doesnt know what the hells going on. you can really make people look like idiots its great. but now thanks to the bbc and smellywellies every schmo knows about it. more and more often im finding devices named 'youre a wanker' and 'vicki gordon waz ere'.
f*****g idiots.
Posted: 2003-11-19 14:29:00
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That's BACKJACKING (© pachy)!
This message was posted from a T300
Posted: 2003-11-19 14:37:47
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i experienced 'wackjacking' a very long time ago. pachy coined it a couple of weeks ago. i would hardly associate it with him. maybe if he comes up with a better name?....
Posted: 2003-11-19 14:46:00
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