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BobaFett Posts: > 500

Welcome here, in the world of the legendary three stripes!

Please notice, that its the ERICSSON FORUM, so i wish to ask every member, visitor and guest, NOT to post here any picture, data, info or comment of ANY other brand, sonyERICSSON incl. This thread is dedicated ONLY for ERICSSON fones and accesoires. Please keep to topic and honour my question according the rules i mentioned above.
If the posted picture, comment or info isnt for the interest of the /// Forum, i ll pm the one who posted it to edit or delete. If it wont be done, i ll gonna ask the mods to do it.
Sorry, but these rules are a must, to keep the /// Forum on the right way and if all of us honour my questions, the sticky, that @laffen fixed for me, will reflect that the /// Forum is one of the most informative thread on ESATO and worth for the placing in the General Forum.

Thanks for your attention.

boba AT



threex - AT


tigerente - AT

Hotline : 00-49-1793470051

bungee1 - AT


bart - AT


bart - AT


elsapo - AT

Hotline: 00-39-3487488334


kothor - AT

Hotline : 00-380-661097901


batesie - AT

jcwhite_uk - AT

ericsson_man - AT

vein - AT


louie_04 - AT


bleurdeur - AT

The ERILINE is an open line for everybody, who wish to buy or sell /// fones, needs support or help, have questions according /// mobile fones, accesoires etc.

If u have an /// fone to sell ( pls always post pic too ) or u are looking for one, i allowe to advertise or ask it in the forum, but NO trading and NO chat in the Forum ( use pm instead ).

If u wanna sell or buy an /// fone ( or /// accesoire ), i ll email or pm u back where to turn and / or who to contact.

The ERIMAIL and ERILINE are the first steps to create a worlwide support for every /// fans, please text me if u need any kind of help or u have any questions.

May the force of the 3 stripes be with all of u, now and forever!

Hail Sverige, /// forever!

Regards, Boba

Hello ebody! Ivan and me decided 2 create place where all of u can share and discuss d history of /// from d Hotline til T68. Oldtimers what u use now-a-days, stories, opinions, interesting facts etc. Pls help us by making our thread more colourfull with your comments![....]s/history/127years/index.shtml

Ericsson History

2001 - Ericsson celebrates 50 years of established presence in Australia

2001 - Accorded Senior Partner status under the Government's Partnership for Development Program in recognition of a commitment exceeding $1bl in industry development since 1991

2001 - Ericsson awarded first 3G-network rollout contract.

2000 - First Ericsson GPRS network contract won in Australia.

1996 - Ericsson Australia wins Australia Quality Award.

1993 - Vodafone awards contract for 3rd mobile carrier.

1987 - Supplied and installed Telecom Aus & NZ's mobile network. Awarded the Telecom contract for the installation of the worlds first ISDN network.

1984 - Opening of Ericsson R&D Centre at Broadmeadows.

1983 - Formation of Ericsson Communications Ltd in NZ lead to the purchase of Hatfield Industries Ltd - a Napier based plant for design and manufacturing facilities in NZ.

1959 - Telecom selects Ericsson crossbar equipment for future extensions.

1956 - The new "all-in-one-piece" telephone came into production.

1951 - Ericsson opens its first Australian sales office in Melbourne.

1935 - Appointment of an independent New Zealand sales agency.

1931 - Installation of NZ's first Automatic Line Finder Exchange at Whangarei.

1923 - The dial was introduced.

1897 - Ericsson opened a factory in St. Petersburg, chiefly for assembly of telephones.

1890 - LM Ericsson telephone instruments sold in Australia.

1887 - The world's largest telephone exchange is set up in Stockholm.

1884 - The first telephone combining microphone and receiver is introduced.

1881 - First export order of telephone instruments are delivered.

1876 - Lars registers his new business in Stockholm as L M Ericsson & Co.

1846 - Lars Magnus Ericsson is born in Varmland.

[ This Message was edited by: BobaFett on 2006-08-18 11:31 ]
Posted: 2004-01-18 22:29:37
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stewie Posts: > 500 boba said,this is the place where you can post your comments,stories,opinions etc. about all ///,if you have or had Ericsson phone this is the right place for you.

cheers guys
Posted: 2004-01-18 22:54:20
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ts_666 Posts: 301

Hey guys, great idea! We've lately seen a nostalgic spark come up in this forum, which is something very rare in such technolngical portals such as esato. This is why i think we should be proud that apart from great contemporary technologies, we also have a great history to cherish! Peace (Btw, my name's also ivan ;-) This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-01-18 23:06:26
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bart Posts: > 500

ericsson history? ok how about there T35
T35???? you think. don't you know guys the phone that was to advanced for its time. there's a pic in the prototype section on my site. and an article will folow shortly
Posted: 2004-01-19 00:22:41
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

What is d add of your site? Never heard of T35, only T36. Any oldtimer u own? This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-01-19 00:38:30
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bart Posts: > 500

nope a T35 is like a something to advanced. i know your on wap and can't see the site, but when your on pc really cheak it out, only a handfull of people knew about this phone. and i forgot it myself untill recently i found it back on and old cd-rom. so here it is. specs to folow in 3days (i'm out of town )
Posted: 2004-01-19 00:41:18
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vr Posts: 71

my opinion.. the nicest phone ever produced..

the most durable in my hands.. GH337
I really used it to hammer nails into wall..
and the phone was usable after that:)

uglier was that plastic soapbox a2618 or somthing:P

Posted: 2004-01-19 09:05:23
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

Oh yes, d metal piece around d housing was a really usefull thing. Its a pity they stopped 2 use it. Just as d keypad on earlier fones. They lasts even 2day. This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-01-19 09:56:38
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stewie Posts: > 500

I saw some pics of t35 long time ago on one site. Today I tried opening that site but it's not there anymore :-( What's the difference between t35 and t39? This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2004-01-19 13:55:07
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

Any1 using R320 or R380 yet? How long lasts d batt of R380? Never had it, hope 2 find 1 if poss. This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-01-19 15:39:56
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