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General discussions : Rumours : T610/Z600 : ignore list?
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shuriken Posts: 2

In a phone review for Z600 :

"Another good feature i've noticed, is the ability to automatically reject calls from certain phone numbers. For instance, if you're getting pestered by someone, add his/her number to the ignore list and evertime they call it won't even ring, just go straight to the voicemail. Or if you feel you're getting pestered by phone-2-phone salesmen you can ignore all calls other than those in your allow list. "

you can read the rest of the review here:

Now, i just want to confirm if the said feature is true because i have the exact same problem. this girl just wont stop pestering me and keeps giving me drop calls all the time. If i get one of these phones, the "ignore list" feature would put an end to this pestering once and for all. I just want to clarify this before i go out and buy the phone.

what do you think?

[ This Message was edited by: shuriken on 2004-01-23 06:25 ]

[ This Message was edited by: shuriken on 2004-01-23 06:29 ]
Posted: 2004-01-23 07:23:46
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gelfen Posts: > 500

yes it's true. yes it works. there are clear instructions in the manual when you get the phone.
Posted: 2004-01-23 07:26:04
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shuriken Posts: 2

does that feature go for the t610 and t630 as well?
'cuz i like those models better than the clam-shell phones.

Posted: 2004-01-23 07:30:44
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gelfen Posts: > 500


t610=z600=t630 with only minor variation.

btw- welcome to esato!
Posted: 2004-01-23 07:32:08
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masseur Posts: > 500

really? I never saw that feature and I have just checked the manual and searched for "ignore" and it returned zero results.

I know you can create a list of callers to "accept" as I do use that from time to time but have never seen a list of callers to "ignore"

I also cannot find such a feature on the T630 and I am certain it was never on the T610

which section of the manual is it described in?

...Unless I'm very much mistaken

[ This Message was edited by: masseur on 2004-01-23 06:33 ]
Posted: 2004-01-23 07:32:45
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gelfen Posts: > 500

no, sorry - my bad (again!)

i was confusing it with the accept function. you set the phone to accept specific numbers, so the only way to "ignore" would be to place all your contacts in the accept list.

now i've read the whole article, there is no specific "ignore" list - although i think it would be a useful function. the only way to reject a call is double-tapping the volume keys.

*...geez i'm having a good week...*

Gee, does that beat me? I only got two pair - two aces, and another two.

[ This Message was edited by: gelfen on 2004-01-23 06:53 ]
Posted: 2004-01-23 07:50:20
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masseur Posts: > 500

I didn't see mention of the volume key method of giving people the busy tone, it did sound like they were talking about an ignore list in the same way as the accept list.

I've always thought an ignore list would be useful only if it included the ability to ignore people who don't let their number come through.

Without that ability, if you add their specific number to an ignore list and they realise you might be screening them, they just simply don't send their number and presumably it would then bypass that ignore list, but then of course you ignore everyone who doesn't offer their caller id so I'm not convinced with this feature.

Apparantly some other brands do have this ignore list

Posted: 2004-01-23 07:58:18
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gelfen Posts: > 500

I wonder why se don't have it. I think the article writer, like me, got confused with using the accept list to ignore by exception. This message was posted from a Z600
Posted: 2004-01-23 08:18:15
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701 Posts: > 500

I've used the 'accept' list and it works. I mean,the ppl bothering u will stop it. Most of them won't hide the number.. This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-01-23 10:30:44
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Elite Posts: 84

You could always try asking her not to call you again
Posted: 2004-02-09 14:28:37
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