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deuxani Posts: > 500

"some of this info was posted before

this Specifications is 100% confirmed

T650= k700 + MSD + 100M BT + 1.3MP CAM +262K display
EDGE triband (3RD Q)

z700= clamshell version of T650 with 96*64 65k sub lcd (3RD Q)

z300=clamshell version of T330 with 96*64 4k sub lcd (3RD Q) OR(2ED Q)

T1XX you already now the Specifications(2ED Q)

T330 = T610 -BT (2ED Q)"

Source: Mobile Review Forum

This guy has been right before. This sounds great huh!!

[ This Message was edited by: masseur on 2004-03-11 14:03 ]
Posted: 2004-03-11 14:50:36
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Fritz24 Posts: > 500

What's his source though?
Posted: 2004-03-11 14:54:39
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

This guy has also been wrong before

Also... since T650 is clearly NOT the official name.... I doubt this info is up-to-date because he would've used K700 in a new statement
Posted: 2004-03-11 14:59:09
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Fritz24 Posts: > 500

Until I've seen an official release I'll take it with a large pinch of salt.
Posted: 2004-03-11 15:06:20
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deuxani Posts: > 500

Who says the T650 is not the official name of that phone? Hey says that the T650 is a K700 with MSD, 1.3MP and a 262K screen, so why shouldn't it be up to date? Maybe I misunderstood your post vlammetje or maybe you misunderstood mine.

I don't know who his source is, I guess someone who works at SE. All I know is that if this is true then why would someone buy the S700.
Posted: 2004-03-11 15:10:42
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Fritz24 Posts: > 500

That's the big word though - if.
Posted: 2004-03-11 15:29:40
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mmsman Posts: > 500

well looks great but i'll have to take this with a truck full of salt!
3rd q sounds waaaaay too optimistic for me....
Posted: 2004-03-11 15:58:06
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deuxani Posts: > 500

But the first rumors were about SE presenting 7 or 8 new phones, so Cebit maybe it. We'll see.
Posted: 2004-03-11 19:11:28
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slattery69 Posts: > 500

bloody hell that didnt take long we have just had some new phones from se announced and rumors on newer version have started already thought you normally had to wait a couple of weeks.
well if its true then se is really moving into nokia territory releasing a phone then releasing an updated better spec version a couple of months after.
i dont have a problem but i wonder how some of the die hards who slagged nokia off for doing this will take it if these rumours are true
either way i do like a good rumour discussion
Posted: 2004-03-11 19:20:49
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ts_666 Posts: 301

well the rumours about new phones started because everything that we expected wasn't released. but it makes sense that se didn't introduce a phone that is equal to the s700 in specs, just so all the attention would be on the s700 itself... anyway the "t650" should be out september or something... btw it IS the logical step after s700
Posted: 2004-03-11 19:48:21
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