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> Change your P900 underwear with VitoThemeEditor
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Well used to my beloved p900 and great tools like Tracker, I must admit I am a little board with the themes supplied in my phones, when I bought it. The character of my beloved is not complete without my personal touch. Well if you feel like me, I will give you the solution, its called Vito ThemeEditor. This software is a magnificent tool for your own imagination.
However, not having tried a very complicated tool for theme making made by a major mobile manufacturer, I would suspect even this tool to be very complicated. But I have been proven wrong. Vito ThemeEditor is simple and creative software that is made for people like you and I. Well, if I was you, I would immediately ask myself, if that is true. I thought that you have to be able to use Photoshop in a relatively experience way to be capable to insert pictures in a theme. This is something that Vito Technology has taken into account when making the software. The ThemeEditor will adjust your image to fit into the selected section of your theme, enabling you to insert almost any picture in any part of the theme.
So how does the software work, you ask yourself (if you don’t, you do now). Well, the layout and the functions a relative easy to understand. Opening the program you will find an initial view that lets you choose colour scheme, how you would like your flip closed mode, your flip open mode and what sound you want to install in the theme. The colour scheme lets you select the colours that you want to apply to text and background in dark, mid and light. The software gives you a selection of a panel of 48 colours and if you want you can define your own colours. The flip closed mode lets you define your background picture, how you would like your status and dialog title bar. You also get the possibility to insert your own short cut balloons. However, this is something I have not yet mastered. The flip closed mode also lets you choose text for the different text indicators for the view.
In the flip open mode you have the possibility to insert your own background image, top icon bar, dialog title bars and menu bar. The software also gives you the possibility to change the style of the selection bar, icon balloons and the drop down menu. Finally there is a great feature for inserting sounds. You can easily insert an mp3 ore a wav file into the theme and assign them to different functions such as sms, mms, ring tones and more. One feature I like is that you can play the tone in the theme editor without opening a media player of some sort. Another great feature is the possibility to view the finished theme in a preview section. This helps you from being forced to install it into your phone to se how it looks. If you want to get images of the theme, there is a function that lets you save pictures of your theme as a jpg. file.
In conclusion this software is a must for al of you p900 owners. Put some time a side and give it go. I promise you, you will be positively surprised. So, I suggest you get started and change your p900s underwear
Posted: 2004-03-16 09:07:42
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If you thought that the Vito Theme editor was eay, then have a look at P900Themer allows single click spanning of images into the appbar, menu bar and status bars. This is just one of it's cute features. Take a look you wont be sorry.
Posted: 2005-09-15 01:27:23
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