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Market : Mobile phones wanted : wanted cell phone for india usa
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archana33 Posts: 1

i am looking for a cheap gsm cell phone that can be used in both india and usa without too many complications. i am cell phone tech challenged. so a phone that is simple and easy to use. should be in good condition. i want to be able to send sms also.(instant messaging) write to
Posted: 2004-04-29 07:46:07
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kuro_ishi13 Posts: 12

hi im jp im from centreville va. USA i have two used cellphones here.. one is a 10 months old t-mobile samsung v205 which is in good condition, alittle bit of scratches.. this is a camera phone, colored phone, tri-band which means you can used it anywhere in the world, i also give away my charger, leather case, car charger and headset.. you can used it for sms too. the retail price for this is $380.00 without the accessories. with accessories approximately around $420.00 but because this is ten months old already you can give me your price and let me see what can i do.. and also i have an ericsson t68 1year old, colored phone, tri-band or world phone,can send sms, it has scratches on keypads, this comes with a charger.. the retail price for this is $200.00 but because this is already 1 year old phone also just give me your price let me see what i can do.. both phones are in good condition still working! i change my phone every less than a year thats why i have this phones.. lol by the way where you from? just do reply asap let me know if your still interested of looking phone.. tnx alot! have a nice day! -jp

Posted: 2004-06-15 01:11:23
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