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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: (CAn I buy mobile phone from EBAY)
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"Hacker" Posts: 192

Can I buy mobile phone from EBAY?I want to pay it from the net via credit card and I want them to bring it to my home?Is it possible for Bulgaria or it is only for UK,USA and other big countries?

Thanks in advance
Posted: 2004-05-22 11:09:35
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stuartdb87 Posts: 468

Its possible. I wudn't tho. No offence to trusty sellers This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-05-22 11:35:57
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Rookwise Posts: > 500

Ebay sellers usually mention where they will post to in their listings. Alternativly, try emailing the seller and ask them if they ship to your country. Also, you can ask for postage cost this way if the seller has'nt already stated it in their listing. Just use the ask seller a question link near the top right of the page your viewing. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-05-22 11:42:18
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Jezzaj Posts: 321

as said ask postage prices,remember you can also check postage prices on line .so if your buying from the UK you can check the royal mail site for prices to check your not being screwed.l sold a T68i and sent to france for about 6/7 GBP if i remember corectly
Posted: 2004-05-22 12:35:58
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carlidude Posts: 38

I've bought phones on ebay. An Ericsson R380 (which hasn't arrived yet, but I only sent the payment last week), a Nokia 6310 (which I received in excellent condition) an a Nokia 7110 (which came quickly).

However, the highest price I've ever payed on ebay is 80 Euros, and I always pay in cash because I don't have a credit card, which is quite risky knowing the Belgian postal service
Posted: 2004-05-23 13:01:29
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