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b-chill Posts: 246

according to roumors i found on different forums (especiallly mobile review), we should expect these phones:

the f700, of course... expensive. competitor to N8910,will be released just after the s700, and in shops b4 christmas
z300, maybe 2 new clams for europe..
Dunno about 330, neither 110
2 new uiq phones, (alice +layla) one of them will have symbian8, meaning that it would first come out 2005. we should expect layla before christmas.
AND tada: the roumerd t900 eldar once spoke about; most likely we´ll finally get our p200 with symbian 8.. it will be an s60 competitor

Remember this is just roumers. but it looked like the guys knew what they were taking about. i think it´s exiting... se is releasing more and more handsets:
2002: 6
2003: 9
2004: 12??? Anyway, I think se will show us new modells in june, by communicasia.
It will probalby be:
Layla (it will NOT be named p1000, cause names including 4 digits is for 3g handsets only)
And for the letters? there will be one more; what could it be? it could be BDGHJLNQW ,.. personally i think it will be G, but i dont know...

remember... only rumours

[ This Message was edited by: b-chill on 2004-05-23 10:42 ]
Posted: 2004-05-23 10:54:37
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Lucas Posts: > 500

Just a thought...

As a SE source stated to me, all phones have girl names untill they are released. Many times even the development department does not have a clue on what the names will be when it is finally released. However, its a nice conclusion and we need some names to discuss the phones.

I must say that I miss axxxr´s info on new phones. It would be great now when something is about to happen.


Posted: 2004-05-23 11:00:02
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ephil_24 Posts: 282

@Lucas yes i've heard that too.. K700 had a girl name too but I can't remember it.. it was something japanesse..
Posted: 2004-05-23 11:07:01
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b-chill Posts: 246

yes indeed.... VERY nice... can´t wait... what about the "doubling theory"???
I sorted the letters out this way:
Until know, se only released phones with consonant letters:


Now, my guess is: SE will NOT use a letter, that other manufactures are using... therfore, it could only be:
BDGHJLNQW (correct me if i´m wrong)
then, i just think that G is most likely... sounds cool.. like "Gforce".... but as earlier said... don´t know anything about this... just a WILD guess
Posted: 2004-05-23 11:12:11
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ephil_24 Posts: 282

Who knows? Maybe they'll decide not to drop T after all..
Posted: 2004-05-23 11:16:01
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Lucas Posts: > 500

To be honnest I dont know what thoughts they have behind the names. However I (I mean I) do think they would use the same letters as others, since we have other manufactuars with the same numbers. If I dont remember wrong Samsung has phones in the 700 series.

Note: I am getting close to my 500 post birthday!
Posted: 2004-05-23 11:16:37
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b-chill Posts: 246

yeah i can help you with that happy birthday then!!!
Posted: 2004-05-23 11:20:06
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batesie Posts: > 500

yes axxxr is missed. was usually first with the latest news... This message was posted from a P900
Posted: 2004-05-23 11:32:53
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DungeonMaster Posts: 312

What happened to axxxr? Havent seen him the past few days... This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-05-23 11:47:36
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bart Posts: > 500

isn't alice the P1000?
i heared layla will be the same but no 3G
Posted: 2004-05-23 12:04:43
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