Regional : Europe, Middle East and Africa : Where to get a keyboard to PocketPC in Vienna?
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> Where to get a keyboard to PocketPC in Vienna?
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Can anyone recommend a place where I can get hold of a keyboard to a iPAQ in Vienna zentrum?
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Posted: 2004-07-06 12:46:40
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as a start, the HP ipaq support number is 081000 1000
also, here is a list of HP service centres in Vienna. Can't tell from the web site which ones specifically deal with ipaq though but perhaps one of these can tell you. I'll keep looking though
Cosmos mit Köck-Service
Prater Straße 62
1020 Wien
Tel. 01/211080-82
Herr Schnedl
Cosmos mit Köck-Service
Mariahilferstraße 120
1070 Wien
Tel. 01/5240700-64
Herr Kratochvil
Saturn GmbH
Herr Benesch
Mariahilfer Straße 38-40
1070 Wien
Tel. 01/52 502-82
Cosmos mit Köck-Service
Keplerplatz 14
1100 Wien
Tel. 01/6029211-61
Herr Kutschera
Cosmos mit Köck-Service
Simmeringer Haupstr.47-49
1110 Wien
Tel. 01/7493625-33
Herr Macher
Media Markt
Herr Schuh
Landwehrstraße 6
1110 Wien
Tel. 01/767162035
Media Markt
Herr Eckhardt
Mantlergasse 34-36
1130 Wien
Tel. 01/877 44 11-82
Cosmos mit Köck-Service
Albert Schweitzergasse 6
1140 Wien
Tel. 01/5773661-60
Herr Glas
Cosmos mit Köck-Service
Gablenzgasse 5-13
1150 Wien
Tel. 01/9823785-24
Herr Garherr
Cosmos mit Köck-Service
Ottakringer Str. 72
1170 Wien
Tel. 01/40401-290
Herr Karl
Saturn GmbH
Frau Gaag
Handelskai 94-96
1200 Wien
Tel. 01/240 90 90-82
Media Markt
Herr Helfer
Brünner Straße 73
1210 Wien
Tel. 01/290 35 35-52
Cosmos mit Köck-Service
Wagramerstr. 94
1220 Wien
Tel. 01/2036526-10
Frau Bogner
Saturn GmbH
Herr Zaruba
Zwerchäckerweg 4-6
1220 Wien
Tel. 01/732 44 -354
Posted: 2004-07-06 12:53:27
Edit :
Danke schön for the list. I have been trying a couple of them, but they are all sold out. It was worth a try anyway.
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Posted: 2004-07-06 15:04:45
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