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General discussions : Rumours : What happened to the next Z-phone?
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Alf Nif Posts: 426

A couple of months ago there where some rumours about a new Z phone that was very flat, which later turned out to be a test-rumour from .

I think I've found it.

At least it looks like the phone on the pictures.
Posted: 2004-08-13 19:48:52
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RichLok Posts: 331

You're not talking about the z500 are you?
Posted: 2004-08-13 22:11:25
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milmino Posts: 454

the rumor of the z1020 was just started by a student studying the efect of a rumor on individuals, it was not from the nokia 6260 is a completely different phone, although the desighn is REALLY similar, even the camera on the side and the twisting display
Posted: 2004-08-13 22:23:28
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Alf Nif Posts: 426

Yes it was the Z1020 rumour I meant. Sorry I was wrong with who started it.

Very similar design to the Nokia phone
Posted: 2004-08-14 19:21:10
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bart Posts: > 500

the next Zxxx phone will probably be the viola. (info on my site, rumor section)
Posted: 2004-08-14 20:10:50
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JaymoFish Posts: 70

Dude the viola was the z1010 .
All se phones have code names
Posted: 2004-08-15 14:54:00
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