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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Wanted, a p800 in ok condition for around £70-£80
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< Esato Forum Index > Market > Mobile phones wanted > Wanted, a p800 in ok condition for around £70-£80 Bookmark topic
nickorooster Posts: > 500

Basically I am looking for a working p800 (network lock doesn't matter) for around £70_£80 Sterling. Does not have to include anything but handset and charger (even no charger is ok) but it has to be in ok condition.... email me at if you are interested.


Me p800 = Broken... :'(

[ This Message was edited by: nickorooster on 2004-10-01 11:40 ]
Posted: 2004-10-01 12:39:28
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Mike.P® Posts: > 500

I have one which is in virtually as new has a dead pixel down the bottom of the screen.

Posted: 2004-10-01 23:51:46
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nickorooster Posts: > 500

Oops.... If only I had seen this a tad earlier... I just (like literally 5 minutes ago) won an auction on ebay for one... Aw well... Thanks for the offer though....

Posted: 2004-10-01 23:59:31
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