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Well I've finally recieved the A1000. I've had a cold and fever (if possible) last night, waking up in cold sweats and freezing every half an hour.
Imagine my excitement when I went downstairs and saw the A1000 waiting for me.
Many will know me to always buy the latest phones, in this case, I didn't buy it. What you say? Yes I didn't buy it. Only reason I got it was for the deal.
20 pounds a month for 750 minutes (12 hours) and 150 texts (plus add 5 pounds and get unlimited content and 20 mins video talk. The phone comes free along with a bluetooth headset, three months free insurance, and a memory card.
Can't argue with that now can you?
(I've used Masseurs format since I think it's a good one)
28 MB internal memory, Triband, UMTS, Supports Triflash memory cards (up to 256mb at the moment), has two cameras, a VGA and a 1.2 Megapixel camera.
Screen: 65K screen with 'screen blend' (aparantly makes it look like a 75K screen)
System: UIQ 2.1
Sound: Dual Speakers
I apologize if the pictures are a bit blurry. As I said I'm feeling sick.
What you get:
In the box you get the battery, a dock, a headset (which looks like a doctors stethescope (spell?), a Sync CD, Sync cable, charger, battery cover, plug adapter, and a huge set of manuals.
The CD includes various apps as you find with the P series phone.
Now I put everything together and immediately switched on the phone. One thing I was disappointed with is the fact that I got the grey version and not the glossy balck one. (but who am I to complain? It's free!)
Below are a few pics of the phone.
Note: You must dial on screen. That's why they've made the numbers big enough.
Note: The bottom right side holds the stylus. The stylus is extendable which is a great touch! The headphone port is also found on the lower part of the phone.
Note: You can see the speaker on the side of the phone. There is one on the right and the left.
On top of it (although it's not clear) is a slider. Slide down and hold for power, slide up to lock the phone.
Now judging by the pics, you might say that the phone is too large.
Think again, it's thinner than the P900/P910, I've supplied some example shots.
Sound Quality on the phone is great. Even more, you can feel a vibration in the phone similar to a steel rod's resinence. The phone just feels like it's built with care!
Since it's a UIQ phone it'll play virtually any type of media with the right app. On the Box however is the Windows Media logo, which indicates that it should be able to place WMV and WMA files which is a first.
Thankfully, the Three logo isn't that large and could probably rub off with a bit of Nail polish remover.
The M logo (also the earphone) lights up in a cool blue when the dial function is on, underneath it is a space for the phone's status. (green for signal, red for no signal, rainbow for recieved message etc..)
On the right you can see the VGA camera, for video calls.
Wow this one is blurry. This picture shows the nice little Joypad styled control, the Three menu button, call and hang up. I also enjoy the cool blue lighting.
The following pictures will look a bit blurred or have a shine to it. I apologize for that.
The menu is exactly like the P series phones naturally. With the addition to a few apps such as Home, Picsel Viewer and Sync.
The Home page is great for showing basic information. I enjoy the fact that it can be customized in almost anyway. Kind of makes me wish it was available on a P series phone.
It provides links and basic information which is greatly beneficial to someone on the go.
Now the Three menu in my opinion is great. It's simple, easy to guide, and is smooth. You can get almost any type of content available, from Comedy skits, to X rated mini movies.
If you notice the browser is in FULL SCREEN. Another feature which I enjoy.
Messaging is also easy but has a couple of problems. Sadly, you can't write anywhere on the screen as with the P Series phones. What a shame.
Instead you are left with a small box at the bottom to right in. It has an A and B section, what this allows is for you to enter each character in each box back and forth to save time. Rather than waiting for the char to appear.
Another thing is that you have to click on the text button to actually write, it's not a major problem, except for the fact that it takes around 3 seconds to load!
The picture thumbnails load pretty fast and look nice.
(not as nice as my s700 of course)
Exactly as any UIQ system.
Calendar, tasks, notes, alarms, timer, stopwatch, record sound, calculator and code memo
As mentioned previously, there is also any easy SYNC feature.
A basic phonebook that shows the names of the people, no thumbnail though unless someone actually calls.
Also known as the Control Panel. Anything is accessable. From brightness of the screen to sound quality.
I dont want to go into depth, since as I stated, it is just the P series UIQ.
Easy to change settings.
Great sound.
Dual Cameras
Well built.
LEDS (we all love LEDS)
Very good size.
100 MB cap on free content
Not being able to write anywhere.
Slow response on a few sections.
65k (i wish it was more but I'm just being picky)
Can't switch the Transflash without removing the battery.
I like this phone, I really like it. Perhaps because it's free? Perhaps because I'm a gadget freak.
If anyone has any questions please let me know! I'll be happy to answer!
A few sites for ordering include
the best place to get a great deal though is
or Try
Oxygen Inc. or Aqua-Side
[ This Message was edited by: amnesia on 2005-10-10 17:57 ]
Posted: 2004-11-17 16:17:44
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nice review
I gotta say I am really starting to like Motorola phones again and I'll have to check this one out myself at the weekend
Posted: 2004-11-17 16:20:46
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Yep, nice review. It's a shame that those phone's don't sell in Belgium...
Posted: 2004-11-17 18:25:17
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one quick point.
I've had the phone for ONE DAY and it's broken.
Freezes at the start up screen. Motorola have been stupid enough to actually REMOVE the reset button on their latest model as well.
I called the network and they said 10 out of 15 people returned their headset due to the same fault.
This can only mean a new release is coming out soon.
Posted: 2004-11-18 00:51:40
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What about the build quality? To me, the A1000 felt quite plastic and cheaply built when I got my fingers on it briefly in the store. I especially disliked the end of the stylus since it was sharp and felt like it was made by Fisher Price.
Also, I am _really_ not positive about phone branding. The fact that 3 has put its logo on it and (probably) completely made the whole OS over to their liking is annoying. I do not want to be controlled by a large company and I certainly refuse to have a phone that's locked down (which is the case with other phones that 3 provides).
But overall, it looks awesome. Imagine having UMTS technology at hand on the beach with your laptop. Geeky, eh.
Posted: 2004-11-18 18:31:21
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well it feels like it's pretty good quality to be honest.
There is a slight vibration within the phone making it feel like it has inner steel parts.
Taking out the pen is annoying since it's sharp.
As for the Three Branding, dont forget it's a free phone. When the flashes come out, you'll be able to remove the branding.
Posted: 2004-11-18 22:47:45
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Wow, nice review amnesia!
And a great phone too, well done
Posted: 2004-11-18 22:59:52
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Here's another good
A1000 review at
Posted: 2004-11-23 20:31:07
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nice review.
Posted: 2004-12-09 01:41:52
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Nice review

the phone looks awesome
Posted: 2004-12-09 05:46:05
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