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Merhaba ben malatyada okuyorum su anda t610um war ve onu flash ettirmeye calisiyorum
ya beyler birkac sorum war turkceyi destekleyen en yeni firmware hangisi en son r7a010 gordum ama emin degilim bilen war mi?
birde bir siteden uyuz oldugum predefined leri silen bir flash warmis indirdik onu yapacagim ama su cumleyi gordum biraz tirstim
After flashing perform a "Rebuild SP Area Using OPT IMEI" or
your phone will be stuck in a reboot cycle
ne diyor acep burada acil cevaplariniz icin tsk gorusuruz
Posted: 2004-11-25 01:41:12
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could you please write in english?
Posted: 2004-11-25 02:00:10
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hi i have a t610 triying to update firmware but i don't know which file to download r7a010 or r6b etc or r6c etc i live in turkey (south east europe) which of these files supports my language
2)i am sick of these predefined stuff i downloaded a file that erases all of these but i don't know how to use it can anyone tell me to use?
it says:
After flashing perform a "Rebuild SP Area Using OPT IMEI" or
your phone will be stuck in a reboot cycle
what does these words means how must i update the firmware thx for answers.
Posted: 2004-11-25 02:08:43
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don't DL R7A010... You need EMEA 3 files, so download files named R6C005_EMEA3.. both ARM and AVR.. or R6B004 if you can't find R6C005... then just flash the files... about that other file, just flash it. No need for rebuild.. flashed it on my T610 without Rebuild, works like a charm.
!!! You're doin this and using these files on your own risk. I am not responsible for anything!!!
Posted: 2004-11-25 02:14:25
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thx dude i'll do it.
Posted: 2004-11-25 02:17:43
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no prob
Posted: 2004-11-25 02:20:16
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thx dude but i can't find any sites that contains emea3 r6c r6b or sth like that do you know any?
Posted: 2004-11-25 02:25:38
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Firmware dosyalarini internette hangi adresden bulabiliriz bilen var mi acaba?
Where can I find firmware files in internet? Does anyone know it?
Posted: 2004-11-25 07:57:34
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arkadaşlar Turkish tread de yazmanızı öneririm.Turkish Mobile Phone Forum veya Turkish Sony Ericsson Forum u kullanmamız ülke postlarını ve kullanıcı adedini belirlemekte önemli...
Posted: 2004-11-25 09:13:45
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war ama biraz eski
Posted: 2004-11-25 09:44:15
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