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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

Ok, So I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks three's customer services has to be the worst around???

I've been cut off for 17 days now, and it's all been three's fault. From what I understand, apparently the sim card I have is assigned to someone elses account, and the sim card I was supposed to have is in someone elses posession... I got told 3 weekends ago about this, and that there was nothing I needed to do, i wouldn't notice a thing and they would sort it out.

I woke the following friday to see my phone telling me I had an inactive sim... it's been like that for over 2 weeks. Everytime I speak to them they tell me to be more patient! The woman just told me that there are three people registered with the same name as me causing the confusion, completely different to what i had been told before, it's all crap.

This happened a month into my contract, is there any way of cancelling it without having to pay anymore? Think it would be a good idea to just change networks.

Anyone got any useful info?

cheers, daz.
Posted: 2004-12-06 13:45:49
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


If usefulness were cloth, 3's customer service department wouldn't have enough to make a handkerchief for a flea. I can sympathise with you having had dealings with them myself. Not that they aren't polite, well the Indian chaps at least, but they seem rather 'scripted', although they have improved in this respect somewhat lately. Having spoken with their Glasgow office, I can't say that 'Glasgow''s Miles Better' in that case; the novelty of speaking with a fellow Scot quickly wearing off the woman I spoke with, to be replaced by an attitude reminiscent of the tone one might adopt should someone punch you in the face.

Having been with them a month I think you may be looking at buying out your contract in order to cancel it, but you might still be within the time period for cancelling it. I am not sure whether this period is fourteen or twenty eight days, look into it, you may find that you are still within it.

If 3 are not providing a service, which you are paying for then they are in breach of contract. You may be able to use this to cancel the contract, but perhaps it might be best to speak with someone who has more knowledge in these matters, either from Esato (posisbly dave_uk) or by going to your local CPW or even a lawyer.
Posted: 2004-12-06 14:05:22
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Stinger151 Posts: > 500

I do think three have probaly the worst customer services around.
same sort of thing happened to me brought a nokia 7600 on threepay the phone was brand new. Got home tried to register it and they said the phone (not the sim) was registereed to someone else. Tried to explain to them that the phone was brand new but everytime i did they just told me that they could not continue the call and cut me off.
Went to the cpw where i brought it from and explained they even rung three up but the dopey people wouldnt understand.
If three have there network in the uk the least they could do is base a customer service centre here as they would understand what we r talking about.
My advice stay well clear of three if u want 3g go with vodafone.
Posted: 2004-12-06 17:56:57
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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

Thanks for the reply, think I will have to do something though, as I just think they could have done it faster. They've put me on as a priority now... hmm, lets see if that makes any difference...
Posted: 2004-12-06 18:02:53
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Hi Daz, I really don't think you should be hanging around on this one. Your 'mishap has probably been typed on to a piece of A4 and is sitting at the bottom of someone's In Tray. Telling you that you are a PRIORITY is just a way of fobbing you off. There is no such thing as priority complaint.

You need to start stamping your feet, believe me I used to work in Customer Service for a Telecommunications company, they more often you ring the quicker you get things done.

You have no phone service so they are not honouring their part of the contract, it is as simply as that.

If I was you, I would:

a) get on the blower and get your case escalated to a Manager and don't get off the phone until it is.

b) You need to find out exactly what has been done to fix this and ask them why they are giving you different stories.

c) Tell them you are really disappointed with the service and can't see any reason why you shouldn't cancel your contract. Let them know it is taking too long.

d) Also, don't forget to write down what they tell you. It is easy to forget details they have told you a few weeks down the line.

e) Make it plain to them that you are paying for a service you are not recieving.

Any company worth it's salt will first of all reimburse you for the time you are without service. Then as an apology they should offer you a few months free at least.

You also have some ammunition to take with you.

Tell them you would like to raise a complaint on your account (every company has a complaints process) and also ask for the Contact details for OFCOM - the telecommunications regulator. They have to give you this by law.

If you are paying by Direct Debit, then you are fully entitled to cancel this. They will simply send you a bill with a payment slip. At least with this you can pay when YOU choose and stop them from draining your bank account of money you can't afford to lose.

They have made a big boob and you are suffering so make them pay.

I think too many people put up with shoddy service and do nothing about it.

Let us know how you fare.

[ This Message was edited by: goldenface on 2004-12-06 22:06 ]
Posted: 2004-12-06 22:50:56
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themarques Posts: > 500

Are you using the Z1010 on the 3? If so where did you get your Z1010 from and what version is it running? They might have disconnected you due to the fact that you breeched the terms and conditions (You not allowed to use any other phone that 3 does not support) I cant say thats for certain but I would be carefull what you tell them.
Posted: 2004-12-06 23:46:46
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fatreg Posts: > 500

i think youll find, if your sim, and someone else sim is registered to each other, 3 have broken the data protection act, there fore you can at any cancel the contract with a little help from the guys ar your local CAB. if they have broken the data protectiob act, take them to the cleaners.

once clear way of telling is, do you get charged for the other persons calls? if so they have clearly broken it and your under no obligation to stay with them!!

have a word with your CAB, forget about CS there all crap. lets be fair!

Posted: 2004-12-06 23:52:53
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goldenface Posts: > 500

@ Fatreg, with all due respect, I hardly think there is a solid breach of the DPA by assigning someone else's Sim by mistake and "oh look my friends numbers are on someone elses bill." There is just no case.

As long as Daz's account details have remained within the company there has been no breach of the DPA.

What is 3 going to respond to? "I have spoken to the CAB and I am considering legal action?" That just sounds like a bluff.

If they turn around and say "so what?" then it's get the lawyers, write to the CAB? Build up a case, Blah Blah Blah!!!

It is much better, cheaper, less time consuming and easier to get them to correct the mistake they made with a couple of strong worded telephone calls. They are able to, they just need to get their arses into gear that's all. Mention the CAB by all means.

The best thing that could be achieved is a new handset and six months line rental free as an apology. The worst, well a new sim and a credit for loss of service. They have probably done both before on numerous occasions.
Posted: 2004-12-07 00:34:31
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wapchimp Posts: > 500

yeah orange do dodgy sim swaps all the time

No breach of DPA whatsoever, just a mistake
Posted: 2004-12-07 00:36:51
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fatreg Posts: > 500

yeah Orange do sim swaps, but should my phone calls end up on someobdy elses phone bill, the respective phone company has broken the DPA, ive seen it before!!

it'll cost you want £6 in a small claims court? and youll get the £6 back, what have you go to loose?

as ive said ive seen this before, as some of you maybe aware, i work for a mobile company and am aware what hefty prices there are to pay for not sticking to the DPA.

Posted: 2004-12-07 00:48:08
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