General discussions : Product reviews : Inovix iMPBT300 Bluetooth MP3 player / headset
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> Inovix iMPBT300 Bluetooth MP3 player / headset
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I have a T610 and until discovering about the iMPBT300 I was constantly missing calls whilst listening to music on the train/work etc.
What this little gem does is as well as being a fully-functional MP3 player, USB pen drive (128 or 256MB versions), and voice recorder, it can act as a bluetooth headset for your mobile.
In this way, you can be happily listening to your music safe in the knowledge that once you get a call, the music will fade into the background and your headphones ring to alert you. You then simply accept the call by pressing one button on the cord and you're away. Once you've finished your call, press the button again and the music starts up at the exact point you left it.
Aside this, it also provides caller identity in the little LCD display so you can see who's calling without getting out your phone. You can even record phone conversations straight from the device. Voice dialing is a sinch with the T610 although I can't vouch for other models.
In my opinion, its far greater than having one of those BT headsets hanging off your ear just in case of a call. - looks hideous and why not be listening to your favourite track in the meantime! This looks just like any other MP3 player, including stereo headphones. Oh did I say its size is less than the size of a credit card. Check it out on their website.
It even works well when used with VoIP but I won't delve into that here.
Final neat touch is that when you turn it off, it waves "bye-bye" to you. Naff, but cute!
Anyone else got any opinions on this or come across anything similar? - I'd be keen to know.
Posted: 2004-12-16 16:37:27
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ok, may help if I posted the url huh:
Posted: 2004-12-16 17:43:31
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