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Asnan Posts: 12

i need you to see the this

and ineed to know which one is good

thank you every one
Posted: 2002-07-08 14:39:00
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caff Posts: > 500

P800 is the best of is Tri-band but 7650 is only dual-band, P800 can play MP3, has 12 MB internal memory and 16MB memory stick come with package while 7650 only has 4 MB internal memory......also the battery life is far better on P800 than 7650...........P800 has huge screen compare to what's your choice???
Posted: 2002-07-08 14:49:00
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jac12 Posts: 89

You don't really have a choice now. You cannot buy P800 yet. This is just like PC's; the longer you wait the better they will be in terms of specs.
Posted: 2002-07-08 15:34:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

You cant even compare these two.

The 7650 is a phone with some pda-functions,..
the P-800 is a "full-size" communicator, with all the programs/utilities of a pda. Also touch-screen, bluetooth headset profile, triband, memorystick, mp3 and so on

Prices should show the difference too.


Posted: 2002-07-08 16:06:00
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orange Posts: 397

On 2002-07-08 14:49, caff wrote: what's your choice???

7650 definitely. There's no such device as P800 available at the market. And when it will be available, it'll still be 7650, definitely.
Posted: 2002-07-09 09:21:00
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caff Posts: > 500

For details comparsion between the two...check it out here:

surely P800 win in every catergories.............let's hope its gonna come out soon !!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2002-07-09 15:03:00
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caff Posts: > 500

For details comparsion between the two...check it out here:

surely P800 win in every catergories.............let's hope its gonna come out soon !!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2002-07-09 15:03:00
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Super G Posts: > 500

P800 will come with the chatpen in 2003 ;P

And given what happened between T68 (claimed as having MMS but never had) and T68i (the T68 as originally announced), I would expect the same could happen with P800.

Anyway, the P800 feature list is impressive, a bit more than that of the 7650 (which by the way is erroneous). But will it make it affordable?
Posted: 2002-07-09 16:07:00
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cadcad Posts: > 500

I don't think SE will make the same mistake again!!
they won't do like they did with the t68/t68i am pretty sure... anyway if so... we who will purchase the p800 now will have a new software after a while for FREE again... hehehe. So why worry?
Posted: 2002-07-09 16:32:00
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Asnan Posts: 12

thank you all for this but ineed you to see this?

and tell me .....????
Posted: 2002-07-09 16:43:00
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