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> Bluetooth headsetfor k700i
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I bought the K700i together with the bluetooth headset. The phone is awesome and fun to use. But the bluetooth headset HBH-600 did not work, or rather it worked for a brief while. It refused to hold the charge. I took it back to the shop and they said: too bad! They have to send it back to Sonny Ericsson and it might take two weeks to verify the problem. Any advice?
Posted: 2005-01-25 14:36:45
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Welcome to Esato!
I had the same problem; shop I bought from exchanged it on the spot. Tell them you want to exchange it; they're just trying to avoid the hassle.
This probably doesn't belong in product reviews, but in Accessories, btw.
[ This Message was edited by: Grimslade on 2005-01-26 07:11 ]
Posted: 2005-01-26 08:11:25
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Just wait for two weeks, it isnt that long. Mean while explore other functionalties of your phone.
This message was posted from a K500
Posted: 2005-01-26 08:29:57
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