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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Tips and tricks : edit phonebook in sim at t68i
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arus Posts: 265

I'm a new user SonyEricsson T68i

1. Do you know how to edit the contact list that save in my SIM ?
2. How to save the contact list in my SIM ?

Please help me, Thank's
Posted: 2002-07-12 16:27:00
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gomichaelkgo Posts: 183

You can edit the SIM in the T68 if you connect with your computer (bluetooth, IRDA, or Cable) and use the Ericsson phone book and text message manager application doanloaded from
Posted: 2002-07-12 22:59:00
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arus Posts: 265

tks buddy,

but what i mean is, be managed from the t68i itself (like my nokia).
Posted: 2002-07-12 23:43:00
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khernitz Posts: 11

use the call from SIM option then when you get to the number you want to edit, instead of pressing yes to call press the options button and select copy to phone then edit from there....
Posted: 2002-07-19 09:29:00
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arus Posts: 265

On 2002-07-19 09:29, khernitz wrote:
use the call from SIM option then when you get to the number you want to edit, instead of pressing yes to call press the options button and select copy to phone then edit from there....

then how could i save back in my sim ?

Posted: 2002-07-19 21:24:00
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orang3 Posts: > 500

you got to copy it to ur phone .. go to the phone bk menu .. then to the advance . then copy frm sim ..

Posted: 2002-07-20 03:05:00
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arus Posts: 265

Thx, mate. What i mean ės edit & save only some entrėes in sėm. Beside, the content of both memories (in my phone & sim) are different. I only found \"copy all to sim\" menu. Here is the problem, i need save/copy only some entries, not all. FYI. my sim capacity 250 entries, contact list in my phone has been more than 350 already. Then how to manage this issue on my t68i itself. This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-07-20 08:15:00
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cykoman Posts: 13

Hate to break this to you, but you cant do what you want to do on the T68i itself. Its a T68i thing. I've tried for hours. The only way is to sync. the T68i to the phonebook manager on your PC. Its much easier that way.

Posted: 2002-07-20 09:58:00
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