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> Jabra BT800 Headset brief review
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On Thursday my HBH 65 gave up after only a month, this was the second one I'd had in three months, needless to say I was a bit P'd off. £75.00 for something which didn't work, so I trawlled the net for a new one and found this baby, the Jabra BT800.
I had to have it, called every mobile accessory shop in the area, no-one had one, they were all still waiting for delivery. As a last ditch atempt I called The Link in Telford, they had 1. Horray! Went straight out and bought it, the only one in all of The Links in the West Mids. £99.99, but I took my SE HBH 65 back and said it was faulty so it only cost me £25.00
Expansys are advertising the headset at £66 inc Vat, cheapest price I could find, but I e-mailed them yesterday and they are waiting for stock.
First impressions:- Nice package, noticably larger and heavier than the SE headset but not without reason and once it's on the size and weight difference isn't really noticable.
Took three hours for it's intial charge, there's no guidelines in the manual as to how long to leave it for it's first chrage so as soon as the display said it was full I unplugged it and started playing:-)
The unit can also be charged direct from your PC via the USB port with a small cable which comes with the headset.
The screen is small but readable, the blue backlight works great of a night time, but the blue colour is hardly visable during daylight although the screen is still readable. Caller display shows the persons name calling you as it is entered in your phone book, but this function may vary for different handsets.
The buttons are easy to press and easy to find when it's on your ear, I especially like the jog dial for volume and menu options.
The ringtones are preset, there are five of them all polyphonic, the only offensive one is the classic "old phone" ring which annoys the hell out of me. Alternatively you can have it silent or just bleeping when an incoming call comes in. Whichever ringtone or alert option you choose there's the option to have the vibrate on or off.
There's no loud speaker so you only hear the ringtones when the headset is on your ear.
Other options include a 'Language' option, an 'about' option (which tells you the firmware version on the headset) and a 'light' option which allows you to turn the large flashing blue LED on or off during use.
Performance wise; seems ok; not had much chance to use it yet, speaker volume is loud enough and the headset also compensates for background noise and filters it out.
Also mentioned in the handbook is that the headset is upgradable via updates on the website.
Overall so far, very impressed. My only advise is to look on e-bay over the coming months, or go to expansys and pre order now. This is one cool headset but at £100 from The Link it's worth waiting for expansys to get some in.
[ This Message was edited by: kaiesha on 2005-02-02 14:33 ]
Posted: 2005-01-29 12:49:58
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Almost a week on and still very impressed, the battery lasted till Monday lunchtime after it's intial charge.
The unit is switched on for eight to ten hours every day and if the phone rings I'll always use the headset rather than answer the call in the phone.
With regards to not being able to see the screen whilst the unit is on your ear this is very true. But unless I'm driving I tend to keep the headset in my top pocket, so when I take it out to answer I can see who's calling.
The only single small negative I have is the delay between pressing the answer button and talking to the other person. This is the case in most BT headsets but the Jabra BT800 takes a tiresome six to seven seconds from when you press the answer button. "Seven seconds, big wow!" I hear you cry, but sit quiet and still and count seven seconds, it takes a while.
Although the person calling you continues to hear the ringing tone at their end until a second before you start to speak, so at least they don't think you've put the phone down.
Maybe this is just my headset with my K700 but no-one else has commented on the performance of their BT800 on this forum yet which leads me to think no-one else has one yet.
If you do have one your thoughts will be welcomed.
Posted: 2005-02-02 15:27:51
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Thanks a lot for this review, I just pulled my M3000 out of the washer! I think I'll try the BT800 with my K700i based on your review.
btw: Have you tried an m3000? I know the BT800 is tiny bit lighter, but what about comfort?
anyway, thanks for the review!
[ This Message was edited by: po0p on 2005-04-25 07:09 ]
Posted: 2005-04-25 08:05:49
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Yes there is a lag between pressing the button & the call being connected, also in a months time the ear holder came off from the main unit (i gues its badly glued) but to expect this from a topline model ??? I feel scared to glue it back maybe if I glue the wrong section the flexibility will go ?? otherwise its pretty nice besides the above stated problem...
I am using it with O2 mini...although the caller ID partially works, as if the no. is in my address book it shows some garbled id...
[ This Message was edited by: wevek on 2005-07-16 09:48 ]
Posted: 2005-07-16 10:45:14
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