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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Tips and tricks : Ericsson Communication Suite not working well on my T68i
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alex Posts: 156

Hi Guys,
I've been trying to use the Ericsson Communication Suite for T39m on my T68i and it seems certain functions can't be use. For example the ringtone setting and the sms setting has always pops up error message saying it has error reading from the mobile. Previously I've also downloaded the Phone Book and Text Messaging from Ericsson for T39m and it also failed to function but both of this application managed to communicate with my T68i. Sigh! Could anyone got a solution for this as honestly, these application was perfect during my T39m and I really hope it will works with my T68i.
How come SonyEricsson doesn't develop such suite for T68i instead just XTND and Mobile Phone Monitor?
I've seen some of you guys write on the Ericsson Mobile Suite which work, how you guys configure it?
Posted: 2002-07-15 12:35:00
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