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> K750i rocks!
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I think it's the sexyest phone after T610. Perfect.
From Gizmodo:
Mobil.cz sneaks out another pre-release phone—this time a 2-megapixel candybar phone from Sony Ericsson that will likely be dubbed the 'K750i,' if and when it hits the streets (for now it's code-named 'Clara'). With a slick sliding cover over an auto-focussing sensor as well as EDGE support, Sony Ericsson are sure to push this heavily as an imaging phone, much as they've done with the S700i. An easily-accessible Memory Stick Duo port in the side will make getting images on and off the camera simple, too. It looks just fine, but where's the optical zoom?
[ This Message was edited by: Flavio on 2005-02-08 06:01 ]
Posted: 2005-02-08 06:59:17
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Sony Ericsson Clara
Posted: 2005-02-08 07:54:52
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