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merrik Posts: 1

Hi All,

Had a quick browse but could`nt find anything to help me out.
Today i noticed i was getting the message in the subject instead of vodafone UK.
I have gone to manual network selection and then select network. There are two options for vodafone. One has a small blue "cross" in the top left corner of the voda logo. This one pops up the 3G icon & Gprs icon and signal strength but i now also get a small phone with a red cross through the upper right portion.

The second vodafone option which does not have the blue cross seems fine but i am assuming that is a 2G only network selection.

I phoned my provider who checked with the network who claim there are no network faults currently. The "no access to network" now seems to have gone but does come back now and then.

Any thoughts?? i would rather the phone worked as it was supposed to and not have to change network selection menus to manual etc. But do i have a faulty handset? or sim? or is this just network issues?

I have screen captures of the phone screens

Thanks in advance for you help

a frustrated Merrik
Posted: 2005-03-09 01:16:41
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Detellis Posts: 9

Hi - I have this same issue at my house and a few other locations, as does a friend of mine. I have also seen a handful of other posts around the Internet regarding this too.

I tested another V800 at my house with R1J firmware that worked 100% fine, but even though I have upgraded my own firmware to R1J it does not seem to have helped.

Have you had the phone since launch? are you in a 3G or 2G service area? I have the problem right now with 4 bars of 2G service, but my suspicion is the very weak 3G signal nearby is interfering with it somehow. I cannot make or receive calls and just hear 3 beeps when I try, and after a while either "no access to network" or a phone with a red cross over it is displayed.

I have only been living here for 3 weeks, but had no problems at all in 2+ months preceding this.

Any information is welcomed, please post here if you are having the same issue.
Posted: 2005-03-09 15:42:25
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Tokyo_Tim Posts: 2

I have exactly the same problem. I purchased my phone here in Japan on a Vodafone 3g contract.. and it has been working fine for over a month. I also went overseas (Thailand, Singapore and Australia) and it roamed without issue.

I then unlocked the SIM lock on my phone.. and since then, it's been having network issues (especially outside of Japan). When outside of Japan, I VERY often receive the 'No Network Access' message, and also the picture of the phone with the red cross on it. I also find that if I turn my phone off and on, it'll sometimes connect to the network, and then drop out after a short while.

Not sure if removing the SIM Lock was just a coincidence, or the cause, but considering most other people DON'T have this problem, I'm guessing that some of us have a bad batch of phones. I'm planning on taking mine back to the Vodafone store in Japan to swap it over (if they'll let me swap it over!).
Posted: 2005-03-13 10:51:44
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gcchui Posts: 3

I have exactly the same prob
my phone shows 'no access to the network' when i'm at home (2G area) and it works prefectly fine at 3G area

i've sent back my phone to vodafone for a repair, and waiting...............

where can i read other case of the same prob?
Posted: 2005-03-17 18:13:03
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Gunslinger Posts: 19

I got my V800 last friday, and have the same problem. I called customer service and they told me to go to a Vodafone store so that they could return it to SE. It really pisses me off that I get a phone on friday, have to spend the whole weekend waiting for a new sim card, only to discover that the sh*te doesn't work anyway.

I can tell you that I'm not going to leave that store before I have a working phone in my hand. Mine or another.
Posted: 2005-03-21 13:10:03
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Gunslinger Posts: 19

Just want to give you an update. I packed my brand new V800 into the box and drove off to the Vodafone store. Once there the salesman assembled it to try it it and voilá it worked fine.

As there was nothing wrong with it I brought it home again, and it has been fin the full 30 min I have been home.
Posted: 2005-03-21 18:57:07
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Gunslinger Posts: 19

And now the problem is back. I called customer service and after a few checks they narrowed it down to a faulty firmware (big surpise...). I was advised to call the Vodastore tomorrow to see if they can upgrade the firmware.
Posted: 2005-03-21 20:15:58
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Detellis Posts: 9

Sorry to hear about that Gunslinger....

I now have back in my possession a working V800 and my own faulty V800 which cannot make calls from my house. Looking through the service menu ( accessed by > *
CDA102295/7 R20A
cxc 125840 R1J002

On the working V800 it has R30A at the end of the first line. Anyone have any idea how to extract the customization from one phone and copy it to another?? The Sony Ericsson update service tells me I have their latest s/w....

Posted: 2005-03-22 15:52:29
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Gunslinger Posts: 19

Good for you Detellis, I have not had the same luck. I managed to nag enough on the salesman in the Vodastore to get a new phone (just in order to rule out any hardware failure). Of course this handset didn't work either, so I called customer service and they didn't have a clue so they passed me on to SE support here in Sweden. Their advice was for me to go to a SE service point and have the very latest FW installed, I don't remember the number, but it ended with 025 I think. Of course, this didn't work either so I called Voda support, but all they could do is credit me for my costs of driving 200 km to and from the Voda store. Tomorrow I'm going to try
the SE support again.

Does anybody here know if this problem is due to the Vodafone branding? I.e. would unbranding the handset fix it?

I asked the SE support, but berely saying the word unbranding made the support guy uncomfortable. He didn't know as the firmware for Z800 "was not yet available" (yeah right...).

Well thats all for now. Will keep posting to let you know how this developes.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I now can choose from GSM and 3G or GSM only. Running GSM only works, but that kind of ruins the point of a 3Gphone...

[ This Message was edited by: Gunslinger on 2005-03-23 18:31 ]
Posted: 2005-03-23 19:28:26
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Gunslinger Posts: 19

Hi guys!

New info on the no network problem. Seems like the problems are with my locla 3G antenna, and not with my phone! After having done som field studies, it seems that the phone does switch between 3G and GSM, everywhere, but in my own house (and about 1km radius from it.) I told Vodafone and they are going to check the mast/antenna as soon as the easter holidays are over.
Posted: 2005-03-27 00:28:20
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