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General discussions : Rumours : Quite a few more SE phones on the way
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vanquish Posts: > 500

...that havent been announced at CeBIT but will be out soon!

I wonder what they will bring out. *reliable sources* have indicated some slimmed down phones, like slimmed down versions of expensive phones targeted at different markets.

Posted: 2005-03-15 19:21:55
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HyperiaBlue Posts: 424

You can read more about them here:

Posted: 2005-03-15 19:33:47
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vanquish Posts: > 500

Yeah, but there are more unmentioned.

We know about Ellen, the 'dropped' phone the other week. We also know about the P910 sucessors. We know that a few more Walkman phones are coming too.

But there will be some slimmed down versions on the way!
Posted: 2005-03-15 19:43:28
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slattery69 Posts: > 500

yes and in 2006 there will be a 5m pixel cam phone with a built in hard drive and memory stick support for 3g networks it will be called the k800
Posted: 2005-03-15 19:50:57
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whizkidd Posts: > 500

Who is this reliable source? This message was posted from a T230
Posted: 2005-03-15 20:00:19
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Dyce9984 Posts: 168

If it's true, what's the point in revealing a source, because the source will never speak again
Posted: 2005-03-15 20:02:00
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govigov Posts: > 500

Think this thread is a big guess work. It is like saying i know some phones are coming out in 2006, but dont know what they are. This message was posted from a K500
Posted: 2005-03-15 20:05:34
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Dyce9984 Posts: 168

who said 2006
Posted: 2005-03-15 20:06:31
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govigov Posts: > 500

Apparently slattery69 and i thot along the same lines. This message was posted from a K500
Posted: 2005-03-15 20:09:53
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slattery69 Posts: > 500

@ Gov yes i agree its just educated guess work. It no suprise if se do release lower spec phones based around the new models as they have done it before. If your gonna have a thread like this why not go the whole hog and just have an educated guess at the features This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2005-03-15 20:15:33
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