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> Calls form PC to any country
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If you're working or studying away from home, you can use LunaPhone to save money and keep in touch.
Look at our rates:
USA $0.010
France $0.030
United Kingdom $0.020
Mexico $0.099
Australia $0.032
Complete three steps to make cheap calls:
1). Download LUNAphone from
2). Create Account ID / Recharge Balance
3). Launch LUNAphone, enter PIN, make calls
Posted: 2005-03-16 18:47:50
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I think that one spam post is more than enough, mate, we don't need 2 or 3 of them
The mods will delete the duplicate ones, that's if they don't delete all of them!
Posted: 2005-03-16 19:32:06
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