General discussions : Product reviews : From k700i > Samsung e720 = I'm really Happy!!! = Now with sample quality pics and video from phone!
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> From k700i > Samsung e720 = I'm really Happy!!! = Now with sample quality pics and video from phone!
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hi guys,
I have finally got sick and tired of my K700i, the camera started doing my head in, and the slow menus made me want to just turn the phone off. Also my joystick had become so inactive at points it just wouldn't work. The phone was amazing when I got it, but soon after, say a month, I was beginning to get annoyed with it.
So here I am, I've left my Chrome K700i, and got a brand new, Samsung E720, one of their latest camera phones. It has a (great), megapixel camera, really, such an improvement over the K700i, and 90mb of onboard memory to store vids, mp3's etc. I am really pleased so far, and there is nothing I miss about the K700i!
Some pics to show you!
As you can see, the design is very similar to the E700, except that it is not blue and silver, but gun-metal dark grey, with a slightly darker Silver, and it has camera flashes either side of the Camera!
and it has controls for the mp3 player on the front! You simply turn on the mp3 player by holding down play/pause, and then you can listen through the iPod style whiute headphones supplied with it.
The screen is fabulous, running on 262k colours, and also at a 176x144 res, like the K700i, the screens are the same size, I measured
You also get many more video controls that what you did with the K700i, you get fast forward/backward, play pause, and stereo volume controls, (either side of the screen!)
I am extremely happy with my choice, and I am not dissapointed, I had many other options, such as the SE P910, and Nokia 3230, but i thought I'd try something new, and I am very happy!
I will let you guys know if I find an annoying bug, but with the amount the K700i has, I don't think it'll be worth posting even if I do!
Other Pics:
1.0MP Cam
Very Nicely Spaced Out Keyboard, allowing very easy typing, (unlike the K7's tightly placed keyboard which began to get on my nerves after a while!)
Overall the phone feels extremely refined and very solid, with lovely chrom touches on the earpiece, around the screen, though the numbers on the keypad, and around the camer and other places. There are also lovely finishing touches, such as the metal bracket on the handstrap, and the leather making up the rest!
The s/w is really nice to use, and is really simple and nice! The videos are incredible, absolutely amazing! I was so shocked, when I recorded one that the quality was miles ahead of the videos I make in Mpegable to (supposedly be better), when the videos from the cam are so incredible!
I will probably write a review, when I have had the phone for more the a third of a day!
Anything you'd like to know? Just ask!
Charlie -
[ This Message was edited by: Chazzer3 on 2005-04-12 18:14 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Chazzer3 on 2005-04-12 19:55 ]
Posted: 2005-04-12 19:11:58
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Noo! I cant blame ya its a nice phone but se still good, and i have the same idea as you ! But i dont earn money lol
Posted: 2005-04-12 19:22:00
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U should have gotten the S700i, but this looks like a nice phone
Posted: 2005-04-12 19:22:40
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post some pic's taken whit it
Posted: 2005-04-12 19:32:22
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Sounds amazing Chazzer. You sound really pleased with your purchase. The video controls sound cool too.
Posted: 2005-04-12 19:43:00
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good for you mate could you post some pics taken with your new amazing phone
Posted: 2005-04-12 19:56:10
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Good choice Chazzer3! Please post some pics taken with it

...and som display pics pls
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Posted: 2005-04-12 19:58:44
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Here are a few taken in economy mode, but at high res, I will post some in superfine a bit later on!
Unfortuantely the images have been altered by esato, and therefore are a bit pixelated! But they are very good compared to my ridiculous phoos I got with my k700i.
And this one is taken using all of the digital zoom, I think it is 6x magnification!
I think the pictures are good for only a 1 megapixel cam, as apposed to 1.3, and that I am extremely happy with the improvement over the K700i. Especially because the pics here are economy, (lowest quality), and I'm comparing them to highest quality K7 pics at same res!
Chazzer -
Will post some Super Fine tomorrow if I can, but I need a bluetooth comp, and can only get to one occasionally.
Posted: 2005-04-12 20:06:49
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wow great
Posted: 2005-04-12 20:31:22
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Bad choice mate. Should have good for a d500 if you were lookin at samsungs.
This message was posted from a K500
Posted: 2005-04-12 20:35:29
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