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> Akono HBH-660 Review
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Well I received my headset today and after reading the manual and leaving it on the charger i decided to use it.
Now this is the FIRST headset i've ever used.
I felt that I needed one because I drive alot and I want to be safe
Since I'm using it in the car, why dont I just use a wire?
I dont know i want the latest!
So here are my opinions about the headset.
When you first take it out of the box, you cant help but amaze at how light it is, you might even think it'll fly out of your hands.
It's not the lightest available but it does show how technology is becoming lighter and lighter.
After inspecting it and glorifying at the lcd I started to tamper.
Syncing it with your phone is done by pressing the + and - volume buttons at the same time for 5 seconds (thats too long for me

After thats all done, I had to actually set my phone to take calls via the headset (setting the profile wasn't enough...) I'm using a Z800.
Now the next obvious thing is to wear it.
Guys, i couldn't put it on at first.
I dont know if it's because I have strange ears or if they are too small, but i couldn't get it on.
When I did, it felt alright but to be honest, I think the gap between the earpeace and the ear surround is too small! They need to make it a bit bigger or at least have an extension.
It didn't feel at all comfortable and on my other ear i became rather irritated.
I guess this is what we need to put up with in the name of fashion and safety.
Mentioning that though, it does take me a few moments to put it on, it's not that easy.
So I was thinking, the lcd is to allow you to see the caller before accepting right? but if you are wearing it, how do you see the lcd?
Do you take it off and then put it on again, the person would have hung up by then with constant fiddling.
The 6 digit LCD screen is very useful when someone calls, since it lights up with the phone icon, warning of an incoming call. However, since it's very small, the number will scroll left/right very qucikly making the idenfication rather difficult in case you had a phone call from an unknown source.
I've heard that the rubber surround wears out after a while so thats a thing to worry about.
Battery time is unknown yet but one guy said he made two 2 hour phone calls and left it on for 40 hours and it still had 50% charge.
I doubt it, but hey, thats good.
The strap that comes with it is useless. I wouldn't wear it as a necklace, no way.
hmmm... oh the sound quality, i dont know if I got a bad one or not but I could hear a faint hissing sound in the background.
Not nice at all.
After each command is done on the phone like, it receives a call, ends a call, etc... it makes a peircing beep sound. I dont know if I have sensitive ears or what.
But since it's a SE I love it

Damn me and my fanboyism of SE.
I'll give this a 2 out of 5.
Who wants to buy it? Look out for a FS thread in the near future.
(please dont pm me till that thread is made)
pics below
Posted: 2005-05-18 12:17:28
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Nice review buddy, may get one afterall.
If its Cheap
"Verily in the heavens and the earth, are Signs for those who believe"
The A-Z of Trusted sellers list[ This Message was edited by: PeterKay on 2005-05-18 11:26 ]
Posted: 2005-05-18 12:24:54
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ebay man.
Way cheap on there, as low as 30 pounds sometimes.
Posted: 2005-05-18 12:30:01
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I've been using the HBH-660 since it came out many months ago and its the best headset I have used and I have been through most since the original HBH-10 (which I still have in the box with all the extra bits)
at work I have the headset in front of me and do a quick glance at the lcd to see who is calling before sticking it on my ear. I find if I press the button to accept the call then its answered by the time I have it on my ear as I can now get it there quite quickly.
Its also the most comfortable headset I have used though my wife says its uncomfortable and hurts her ear so I guess we are all different
Posted: 2005-05-18 12:31:24
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of course at the end of the day we all dont have the same ear shape, so I think before someone buys it, best thing to do is to try it out first.
Masseur can you get it on your ear fast?
How do you wear it, do you swivel the loop first, put the ear thing in your ear then swivel it back?
Posted: 2005-05-18 12:34:27
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yeah I put the ear part in my lughole first and then use the other hand to swivel the loop over my ear. sometimes I can do it one handed these days too if I have to
Posted: 2005-05-18 12:38:57
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well i managed to get faster with putting it in, but it still feels uncomfortable especially when I push the button.
Posted: 2005-05-18 12:54:43
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Well I`m expecting my HBH - 662 to drop down in my mailbox any day now...
Don`t really know if theres a big difference between HBH 660 and HBH 662, but for me (again) I want the latest fashion...
Maybe I`II post a little review of my own....
Posted: 2005-05-18 13:28:52
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