Sony Ericsson / Sony : Themes, ringtones, screensavers, games, video clips : What is the small asian picture for?
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> What is the small asian picture for?
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Does some one know what the small "asian" pictures is for?
I don't see anything when i use a theme with that kind of picture.
Posted: 2002-08-15 02:59:00
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I've wondered that to.
Posted: 2002-08-15 06:45:00
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i am not sure but i guess that it is only available for phones from the asian market with lang's as chinese.
the strange thing is that it's dimentions are 101x16 just as the large pic
Posted: 2002-08-15 07:45:00
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It's only available for phones on the asian market.
And it is not strange that the dimensions are "only" 101x16. Look at the picture and you will solve the mistery
Author of Theme Creator Pro
[ This Message was edited by: Ericssony on 2002-08-15 08:34 ]
Posted: 2002-08-15 09:33:00
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Ok, I see!
Can't they use the other pictures we have?
Posted: 2002-08-18 14:27:00
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Which Asian picture are you on about?
This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-08-19 01:57:00
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