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> a small sony j300 review
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i have just returned from hong kong and have brought myself a j300. The price of the phone ranges from Hk$ 990 -1090 which roughly is about 70-75 GBP.
First impression of the phone is its size. the phone is actually quite small and compact in real life than what is acutally shown in the adverts for them. The phone seems to be an upgrade to the classic t600. The build quality of the phone is good with no squeeking parts like the k700i and to some extent the k750. The back cover of the phone is taken off with a sliding latch which the k750 should of had. The phone has an option to change the front cover of the phone, but i haven't taken the cover off as yet.
The menu system is like the k500i minus the camera and video recording function . The speed of the menu system is quick, the screen is clear, but is a little grainly. My only compliant for this phone is the joystick, sometimes it has a mind of its own and people with big thumbs will find it difficult as you will acciently press the 2 button when selecting an option with the joystick.
The phone uses the old sony ericsson charger which comes with the phone, which means all existing accessories will work with the phone minus the k750.
i will post some pictures of the phone later on.
Posted: 2005-06-22 12:22:24
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