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se-fan Posts: 116

from one more pictures there.
i think it looks great, but it can be fake!!
Posted: 2005-06-25 19:44:58
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Can you please provide a i can't see anything about the S800i on their site?
Posted: 2005-06-25 19:48:35
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se-fan Posts: 116

didn`t work to upload wasnt gif or jpeg but go to the website and ju will see
Posted: 2005-06-25 19:49:27
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Ok yep found it sorry!......The legendery Sakura.

Posted: 2005-06-25 19:51:37
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se-fan Posts: 116

Thanks axxxr!:)

Posted: 2005-06-25 19:54:38
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axxxr Posts: > 500

No probs....

We can't actually be sure if this is Sakura or not..could be a complete fake or a entirely new model altogether...very yellow though!

Edit: Seems like some kind of music phone coz of the jog dial.


[ This Message was edited by: axxxr on 2005-06-25 18:56 ]
Posted: 2005-06-25 19:55:07
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

Looks like a cross between s700 and k750. could be real. doesnt look faked to me.
Posted: 2005-06-25 19:58:47
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se-fan Posts: 116

thatīs right but it could be, but we have to wait until september or october, maybe longer:(

Posted: 2005-06-25 19:59:20
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Yeh i know it does'nt seem like a fake does it.....somehow i doubt its the S800,..this is most defiently one of the new music phones.
Posted: 2005-06-25 20:01:14
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se-fan Posts: 116

it looks like an camera oover the screen maybe its a 3g s800
Posted: 2005-06-25 20:01:28
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