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can anyone help me why is it so damn hard to buy a sony ericsson phone in the uk i want to try a z800i but i cant find one to use i dont want a vodacrap one i want a sim free unbranded one i can try i also cant find a k500i a k300i a s700i or a p910i whats going on its like trying to find rocking horse shit
Posted: 2005-07-23 00:08:00
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On 2005-07-23 00:08:00, david1975 wrote:
its like trying to find rocking horse shit
Thats damn impossible mate
Posted: 2005-07-23 00:12:24
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On 2005-07-23 00:08:00, david1975 wrote:
can anyone help me why is it so damn hard to buy a sony ericsson phone in the uk i want to try a z800i but i cant find one to use i dont want a vodacrap one i want a sim free unbranded one i can try i also cant find a k500i a k300i a s700i or a p910i whats going on its like trying to find rocking horse shit
It has the k700i, s700i & p910i listed as available sim free
Posted: 2005-07-23 00:14:54
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lol yeah let me know if you see any lol
Posted: 2005-07-23 00:14:56
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Posted: 2005-07-23 00:51:24
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ok will have a look cheers
Posted: 2005-07-23 01:03:09
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We have plenty here in Finland. I have the name of the shop that sells them. I get a discount there. If you are still interested, send me a PM or even let me know here and we can see how to get you one.
The z800 is simply great. I get a 33% discount on SE phones, and I still would choose the z800 over the k750i everyday.
Posted: 2005-07-23 01:18:07
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ok mate cheers how much would one be then in english pounds
Posted: 2005-07-23 13:41:07
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On 2005-07-23 13:41:07, david1975 wrote:
ok mate cheers how much would one be then in english pounds
Maybe about 350 pounds. Give or take. I have to check the prices. Do you want me to forward you the contact details of the company?
Posted: 2005-07-23 14:50:27
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i bought mine in Hong Kong .. !!!!
the phone it self cost me 375 USD's ... + 512 PRO duo mem card
it's the best phone i have ever had ... !!!!!!!
Posted: 2005-08-14 10:23:29
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