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> K600 Review at Mobileburn
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Our K600i was from the Hong Kong market and ran firmware version R2G001.The Sony Ericsson K600i has the size and looks to be a winner. It really stands out from all of the other 3G handsets when it comes to design. But sadly, there are a number of issues with the phone that keep it from being great. The keypad is probably the single biggest problem, in my opinion, and the one that would keep me from using the K600 on a day to day basis. The few UI quirks and the soft focus of the camera are annoying, but not deal breakers in their own right, though depending on where you live, the mediocre antenna performance might be.
But if you live in an area with good UMTS coverage and don't want to be tied down by a big, hulking 3G handset, the K600i is worth looking at. The dual cameras and form factor make it a natural for anybody that wants to get into video calling.
Pros: Dual cameras, great form factor, good battery life
Cons: Poor keypad, soft camera focus, UI glitches
Posted: 2005-07-29 05:57:04
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The technologically far superior nseries may be bit bulky but look out for the 6280.it will give the k600 a run for its money
This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2005-07-29 19:00:58
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@gelfen: I've played around with the K600 and yes the keypad is one of the biggest turn offs. Don't know about issues with the UI because it ran quite smoothly. And the joysticks is one of the best that SE's have put on a phone.
This message was posted from a K700i
Posted: 2005-07-29 19:12:25
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I was very disapointing, with 1.3 megapixel camera i though it will have a memory slot or at least more memory, 30 mb isn't enough
Posted: 2005-07-29 19:53:10
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I just got my (unbranded) K600i today, and here are my impressions:
The mobileburn review was right, the keys are a bit tricky. It would be SOOO much better if the were sticking out just a tiny bit! I have to press them with the nail of my thumb rather than with the soft part of the thumb, and that makes it trickyer. Personally I think the T610 has the best keyboard... Anyway, I hope this is just something you get used to and forget about. (Anyone out there that plans on making a new "key-carpet" with taller keys? I would buy one instantly.)
The UI slowness mentioned in the review is really there --- it is irritating when writing SMSes for instance. If you press twice on a key real quick, it does not always recognize both presses. This screws things up quite a bit when writing SMSes! I REALLY hope this is a software glitch that they can fix by the next firmware or so, otherwise they have a real problem. (It COULD be bad keypad hardware but I don't think so, that would be awful!)
The talk comfort is not 100% either, the top edge of the phone is a bit sharp against the ear, but maybe you get used to this also.
The quality of the camera is nowhere near that of the K750, but that was to be expected. At least it is a megapixel camera, so after rescaling the images to 640x480 or 640x512 in Photoshop they look real nice...
But I got this phone beacause it is a small 3G phone, and as such it certainly delivers. Browsing normal html pages is simple and super quick using Opera's new "Opera Mini" browser, and you get a lot of text per screen. I love the fact that MMSes are real quick and that you can email a video in no time. Also, it is fun to see that they have JSR-184 (Mobile 3D Graphics for J2ME) running at a reasonable frame rate.
Just my 2 cents....
Posted: 2005-08-24 15:44:55
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