Sony Ericsson / Sony : Software, Firmware and Drivers : Phone Monitor Can't find my T68 using DSR10
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> Phone Monitor Can't find my T68 using DSR10
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I just bought a new T68 because my R520 died

I just love this phone!! Anyway I can't seem to get the Phone Monitor that came with Package 1 for the T68 to find the phone. I'm using Win2k sp2 and it was able to find the phones modem and it installed it without problem. I just can't get the Monitor to find the phone. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Posted: 2002-01-23 00:31:00
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On 2002-01-23 00:31, rharding wrote:
I just bought a new T68 because my R520 died

I just love this phone!! Anyway I can't seem to get the Phone Monitor that came with Package 1 for the T68 to find the phone. I'm using Win2k sp2 and it was able to find the phones modem and it installed it without problem. I just can't get the Monitor to find the phone. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Well, I use IR,..but I'll give it a try !
Can you see the phone settings (icon/folder) in the windows controlpanel ?
In this you should have some options,..setting gprs,gsm and so on. I think there's an option saying something about "connection" (meaning which sort of connection you're using.)E.g. IR,cable and so on, and COM-ports.
I dont have the laptop with me right now, so I cant see my own phonemonitor settings.
And my "memory" aint that good at 2.33 AM in the morning (here in Denmark)
Think I'll better go get some sleep now.
Posted: 2002-01-23 02:35:00
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Hi Jan,
When I open up the Ericsson Mobile Modem Settings I see that the Ericsson T68 Cable Modem is selected. I can set the preferred connection speed (GSM Data) and hte Bearer Service Type. That's about it. I opend up a terminal program and the phone replied to an AT command so I assume that it's working etc. But the Phone Monitor can't find the phone. COM1 is set as Enabled and Reserved but I've also tried it without reserved with no luck too.
Thanks for your help
Posted: 2002-01-23 03:33:00
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I had the same problem with my a2618. If anyone knows how I can fix it. Please help
Posted: 2002-01-25 20:33:00
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I have the same problem. My computer doesn't find my T68 (R1C), I tried cable and IR. I think there's something wrong with my Mobile Phone Monitor software, 'cause the troubleshooter in that program doesn't start either. I downloaded it in package 4 mentioned below in this forum.
Is there any other version of the MPMonitor that I can download? I can't find any.
Posted: 2002-01-26 02:15:00
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Well..guys...guess what..Package 4 and IR + T68 work's like a charm..I've no trouble at all.
Posted: 2002-01-26 21:50:00
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