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> My HUGE Nokia N95 review!
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On 2007-06-17 22:43:58, intelegent115 wrote:
Well Michael, I must say that you made a really nice review there!
Although you mentioned a lot of cons in your review you still recommend it.. So i am asking you,.. if you would know about all these cons that N95 has, would you still get one?
I cant made up my mind. I had a P990 for 7 months now and dont know if N95 is a proper replacement for it. You said that web browsing is not so good as on P990? You said that P990 with latest FW can easyly have 4 pages opened; while N95 starts acting slow? As the main reason to sell of my P990 was its speed. But i must add that i heavent got to test the latest two FWs.
So based on the info i gave you, would you recommend me a N95, or not?
Hello there
Most of the cons are rather small things, that can be solved in firmware updates, and besides, there are several more pros to add, I just felt like those were the most important ones.
If you want to upgrade from P990, you might feel that the web browser is a bit worse on N95, and surfing the web isn't as pleasureable when it doesn't have the full qwerty keypad and touch screen for easier tapping etc. However it wins back in it's other features on that front. All in all, I'd say the two browsers are about equally good - both with their strong sides, as well as bad ones. And I've actually got both the N95 and P990. So for me, it wasn't really a replacement, as I'm still using it. It was more of an enhancement.
Based on this I'd suggest you to buy it, while still keeping your P990 if possible. Besides, you'll need another phone, while N95 gets it's daily charge
Good luck, and I hope you'll do the right thing and be the happy owner of a N95
Posted: 2007-06-17 23:15:06
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Nicely done Michell ^_^
Posted: 2007-06-18 00:17:42
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Lots of work you've put into it - just the tipping . . .
Posted: 2007-06-18 17:07:51
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@Michell: I will probably get one till the end of this week. We get a first bigger shipment, at least so we are told. Yes TS and querty are the biggest worries of mine. I will still be able to swap it for P1; but think i will like the N95.
Posted: 2007-06-18 20:39:32
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