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> Any Greek's care to translate this Miraculous picture for me.
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Well this woman is actualy preserved since her death till today from what I hear. With regards to Greek been in Zimbabwe alot of settlers did come down there at some point, British, Portuguese, Greek. I still am a bit confused but I will try and get that book soon and read and post the 19 pages if anyone is interested in reading up on her work.
Posted: 2007-12-01 22:20:33
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Hmmm, it'll be interesting to find out a little more about her. I'm always more doubtful of paranormal evidence that is linked to religion in some way than I am of 'ordinary' evidence because it inevitably has more blind supporters, some of whom will tell white lies, exaggerate or omit information to conceal the true cause of the phenomena and therefore preserve the 'miracle'.
But we don't have enough evidence to decide either way at the moment so who knows? It's a fascinating story anyway...
[ This Message was edited by: Cycovision on 2007-12-02 11:12 ]
Posted: 2007-12-02 12:07:57
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On 2007-12-02 12:07:57, Cycovision wrote:
Hmmm, it'll be interesting to find out a little more about her. I'm always more doubtful of paranormal evidence that is linked to religion in some way than I am of 'ordinary' evidence because it inevitably has more blind supporters, some of whom will tell white lies, exaggerate or omit information to conceal the true cause of the phenomena and therefore preserve the 'miracle'.
But we don't have enough evidence to decide either way at the moment so who knows? It's a fascinating story anyway...
[ This Message was edited by: Cycovision on 2007-12-02 11:12 ]
I totally agree with you, there are situations where people lie and Jesus himself said it that there will be many false prophets so beware. I think the fact that this was also documented by a very high publishing company and author in his own right, gives this story some credibility. I will surely post on the book pdf's when it arrives.
Posted: 2007-12-02 13:15:31
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It says Saint Haralambos. People by that name go by Bobby sometimes. That is my dads name. What else is funny is that I have read "Catholic" here several times. There is nothing Roman Catholic about either of these photos. Both are 100% Orthodox. In this case Greek Orthodox.
Que bueno, que rico, que lindo, Paris Latino!
[ This Message was edited by: ceco on 2007-12-09 20:20 ]
Posted: 2007-12-09 20:31:54
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Thanks for clarifying that, but when I said Roman Catholic that was because tha was the church this lady used to attend, not that I said these words translated to that.
Posted: 2007-12-09 21:49:10
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Wow. Let the world be informed of the presence of The Voice of God in Africa.
[ This Message was edited by: Mlandu on 2013-03-07 03:21 ]
Posted: 2013-02-09 05:16:09
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Open Letter to the World
Firstly I would like to extend my unwavering glorification to God for giving me an opportunity and valour to faithfully inform the world about the circumstances pertaining to the picture posted above. The person on this picture was a normal human being who experienced a short death approximately in 1948 in Zimbabwe (formerly known as Southern Rhodesia). It is said, by the eye witnesses, that the death lasted just for a day and upon her resurrection she informed those present that she had met God in Heaven. Whilst in heaven God proclaimed that she ought to return to earth in order to heal those who were suffering from different diseases. Therefore, The Holy Spirit which is the Arm of God was instructed to blend with her soul and be accompanied to the universe by the Holy Massager Janet.
It is a known fact that she was a devoted member of the Methodist Wesleyan Church, Gunde Circuit in the Kwenda area of Wedza in Zimbabwe. After that incredible event it is recorded that she began teaching in a very commanding and authoritative way such that the leaders of Methodist church decided to expel her alleging that; her testimonies were a heresy-clearly they were viewed to be contrary to those of Methodism doctrine. She therefore started visiting the Chivako Mountains to pray for days and nights until 1954 when God ‘The Voice’ incarnated that body and became three in one body .i.e. God, The Holy Spirit and her Soul. Thereafter, God began working in speech, sight and deeds through the person depicted on the photograph above. IT WAS GOD, however I am cognisant of the fact that it might be very difficult for those who do not understand yet to accept that the Voice which people heard was that of God.God through His chosen person started healing people in 1954 until He proclaimed that His Voice will depart and He will return after forty days. His Voice finally departed on the 25
th December 1960. On the 31
st January 1961 His Voice returned as He had promised. It spoke through the second chosen person. I would therefore directly quote the words from the chosen person when He was relating what had happened during His incarnation. “When we retired to bed at prayer time, my wife prayed while I listened. As she said ‘FOREVER’, I saw a snow-white cloud which fell on me and I in turn fell on the bed on my back. Then, The Voice spoke through me and said, “I have come-I am God of all nations. Rise and let’s do My Work”. From that moment on, the human spirit, there and then was with God in one body-therefore IT WAS GOD through the chosen human form.
Many people were healed and The Power of God is continuing to heal those who are suffering from various illnesses. I would therefore, faithfully invite all those who are tormented by stubborn diseases to come to Guta Ra Mwari Religion to receive an everlasting life from the source of the power which is God.
May all nations come to Guta Ra Mwari where illnesses and troubles are cured by The Holy Spirit.
[ This Message was edited by: Mlandu on 2013-03-07 03:27 ]
Posted: 2013-02-11 22:27:41
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