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> The £9 phone review! (Sagem MY-150x)
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Is it just me or is there some Moto look about the phone? Looks good for the price though.
Posted: 2007-12-05 16:23:23
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As I say, the keypad is very 'V3'/Moto-esque, though not necessarily a bad thing as they're pretty good keypads. This one however isn't metal-based, has a nice feel to it though!
Yes, sorry about the fingerprints, I really should have given the phone a wipe before taking the pictures!
Posted: 2007-12-05 16:32:08
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i simply _LOVE_ sagem 226
sagame isn't realy that bad, they are not that well known as nokia/samsung
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sorry for my poor english, i paid too much attention to girl
[ This Message was edited by: himlims_nl on 2007-12-05 15:40 ]
Posted: 2007-12-05 16:39:45
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We have a few cheap Sagem back-up phones, when it comes to value for money, no brand can beat them

Unfortunately they don't have the "name" to sell their more expensive models, though they're not bad al all.
In 2003, they already had a model (MY X-6, VGA-cam) with a CCD sensor, even now most camphones don't have this sensor.
edited: typo


K320i, V600i, K600i, K700i, K750i, K800i, P990i

W800i, W810i, W850, W900i and other brands : HTC, Motorola, Nokia, Sharp, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Alcatel and Sagem.
[ This Message was edited by: Marly on 2007-12-06 00:06 ]
Posted: 2007-12-06 00:59:21
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500
Yeah Sagems can't be that bad! I mean... if they can make a phone this beautiful, they must be good!
The Sagem Porsche Design P’9521
Posted: 2007-12-06 05:12:39
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it's thinner than a D900!?
Posted: 2007-12-08 15:07:55
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