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ewap8 Posts: 398


The P800 is gonna be about $30 cheaper than the 7650 here in Dubai. I went today to the service centre today, and they told me the approximate price difference.
Prices are converted to US dollars from UAE dirhams for understanding.

Here is a post about the 7650 wrt us users:
Posted: 2002-07-11 02:49:00
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shawnmccall9 Posts: > 500

@ xenious

you are right, if it doesn't have GSM 1900, its no good here
Posted: 2002-07-11 03:10:00
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stelvio Posts: 38

Here in the philippines, i just got a quote from globe telecom that the nokia 7650 would only cost around P25,000, more or less $500 when converted to US currency. much cheaper than i expected and i guess priced lower compared with other markets?

[ This Message was edited by: stelvio on 2002-07-11 03:47 ]
Posted: 2002-07-11 04:44:00
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ewap8 Posts: 398

On 2002-07-11 04:44, stelvio wrote:
Here in the philippines, i just got a quote from globe telecom that the nokia 7650 would only cost around P25,000, more or less $500 when converted to US currency. much cheaper than i expected and i guess priced lower compared with other markets?

[ This Message was edited by: stelvio on 2002-07-11 03:47 ]

WHAA??!! 500 dollars???

It would be cheaper then to travel to philipines in an economy class flight and buy it and come back if it really is $500 there...

Posted: 2002-07-11 22:25:00
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ewap8 Posts: 398

well.......maybe not
Posted: 2002-07-11 22:26:00
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decoy7 Posts: > 500

feel sorry for anyone sad enough to pay top dollar for the 7650 when it comes out...can you see them selling this phone for more money than a T68i offline in 6 months from now...i cant.

it will be no surprise when it's being given away 2 months after release.
Posted: 2002-07-11 23:25:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

EWAP > That sound a bit strange to me,..doesnt really make any sence ?? Should P-800 be cheaper than 7650 ???

Here in DK 7650 is dk.kroner 5000,-

Estimated price for P-800 is dk.kroner 6-7000,-.

P-800 is far more advanced,..newer Symbian, more features and a full size communicator and even memory-card ability.

I sure would hope that P-800 would be cheaper,..but I have to admit, that I find it hard to believe,..but of course, I hope so



Posted: 2002-07-13 21:11:00
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619 Posts: > 500

its $500 alright, but u r tied to a 2yr contract and the phone is network locked..

there are 'grey' or smuggled units that cost more or less $800 here.
Posted: 2002-07-13 21:26:00
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shawnmccall9 Posts: > 500

@ Jan
in another thread you had mentioned that you may not buy p800 because you already have 3870 and like PocketPC '02 OS, so you may wait until t68 replacement is released...well...I'd like to know how you think Symbian 7.0 comapres to Pocket PC as operating platforms. I have some experience with both Palm and PocketPC, but no experience with either POCket PC 2002 nor Symbian of any version. Thoughts? Refleftions? Opinioin? Advice? Thanx
Posted: 2002-07-13 21:40:00
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john74 Posts: > 500

i may as well get the P800 from ewap=dudai
Posted: 2002-07-13 22:31:00
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