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howai Posts: 42

Any more picture for this phone till now? Thank you so much!
Posted: 2005-07-18 03:39:33
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Yazan24 Posts: > 500

If there were pictures, theyd be posted now, wouldnt they?

Think before you post
Posted: 2005-07-18 04:16:27
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goldenface Posts: > 500


thanks. That fact is still probably relevant. Sakura is to do with pink cherry blossom isn't it?

Ophira = Gold or Yellow seems close enough for me.

Won't be long now till more info starts to leak out, he he he.
Posted: 2005-07-18 18:26:54
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Kimma15 Posts: 24

A liverpudlian, here?:P I actually support Liverpool so thats ok. Anyways, back on track, how u know theres gonna be more info soon? Cmon, we're starving in the need for info here...
Posted: 2005-07-19 02:44:16
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hadiq Posts: 99

Posted: 2005-07-19 09:54:26
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bogdan_wrc Posts: 206

hm???that yellow/silver phone looks very very ugly!and very very old-type ! must be a fake..or will sure dissapoint me!!!

[ This Message was edited by: bogdan_wrc on 2005-07-19 09:43 ]
Posted: 2005-07-19 10:35:47
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goldenface Posts: > 500

I think the fwd and rwd buttons are a dead give away. Probably this is Ophira. Sakura will carry on the legend of the S700, meaning it will more than likely be imaging oriented rather than music. Expect K750 imaging capabilities and more in Sakura. This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2005-07-19 21:06:38
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B.J. Posts: 169

i bet the new S fone would be a k750 plus more, just like what they did on the k700 and s700..
Posted: 2005-07-28 17:27:25
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goldenface Posts: > 500

More MP would be cool. That AF, Duo PRO and a proper flash would satisfy me. This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2005-07-29 00:36:40
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shyam335 Posts: > 500

i really hope there would be something like image stabilisation,which would be very helpful.
Posted: 2005-07-29 18:45:14
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