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If 3g coverage is available the phone will always select that one...
never known a phone to only work on UMTS and not dual mode...
Posted: 2006-06-22 20:17:23
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@fatreg u can choose that option in 70 for example
Posted: 2006-06-22 20:20:17
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On 2006-06-22 20:17:23, fatreg wrote:
If 3g coverage is available the phone will always select that one...
never known a phone to only work on UMTS and not dual mode...
nokia 6280,n90,n80,n61 and so on.. you can choose only UMTS mode there on thoose phones and some more =)
oh man , i really hope that you can lock the k610 to the UMTS network only.. ill definetly buy the phone then...
Posted: 2006-06-22 20:53:56
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@tance why is that so important for u. i mean, if your network support 2g aswell, its just optimal when 3g isnt supported in a certain area, u can "roam" and switch auto to 2g from 3g
Posted: 2006-06-22 20:59:53
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no 2g covrage here were i live, but even if i use the dual mode the phone choose the 2g network.. really streange,, thats why its so important to lock the phone to umts network. otherwice ill end up with a phone without network =)
W810 + 2GB Memorystick + Sony Ericsson HBH-660 + Wayfinder + External antenna + MMR-60
[ This Message was edited by: trance on 2006-06-22 20:15 ]
Posted: 2006-06-22 21:14:05
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are u on "3"? just wondering, that your operator doesnt support 2g, afaik "3" is the only in sweden without 2g support. in austra i am on "3" aswell, but if no 3g supported, it switches on auto to a1 ( vodafone ) for their 3g net. both companies made a contract with each other, 3 gave umts system for a1 and a1 offers thie stations for 3, if it is.
Posted: 2006-06-22 21:20:34
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no, im on comviq / tele2
were i live comviq doesnt have a 2g covrage, but if i use UMTS i use the network thats been build with telia...
Posted: 2006-06-22 21:21:53
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bought one just last week. package included unit, battery, charger, 64mb M2, data cable, pc suite cd, and manual. no headset!
cool phone! no bugs so far...
[ This Message was edited by: lazeeboy on 2006-08-28 12:49 ]
Posted: 2006-08-28 13:42:59
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I didnt get m2 with mine, donnow why no headset was generally incl, typical se logic...
This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2006-08-28 15:32:29
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Same as the K750i, except that the lack of autofocus makes for poor macro pictures.
Please understand that the macro lens is one thing, and autofocus is another...you can have a camera with autofocus, but without macro mode
Posted: 2006-08-28 15:41:37
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