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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

First of all, thanks for all the advice....

I will call them tomorrow. I think I will just tell them that I am not happy, and basically go through alot of points on here. Let them know that i'm quite happy to cancel the contract and change companies. If I can talk my way into being able to do that without having to pay a hefty sum then I will, otherwise I will let them know I expect an extraordinary bit of compensation and that they sort it out ASAP.

Just so you know, i am using a z1010, it was a developers model. And I have recieved bills with numbers I haven't seen before. So bascially someone else will have got my bill. I suppose that is quite a major thing and I sure will give them hell about it.

thanks again for your advice, I just feel bad for the CS person that answers my next call!
Posted: 2004-12-07 04:07:47
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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

Ok, well telling three all of this seemed to get me nowhere, they were not willing to cancel the contract without me buying it out. And they assure me it's being resolved as fast as possible.

Even after bringing up all these issues, speaking to the supervisor, etc.. it still got me nowhere.

I would cancel the contract, but it makes no sense for me to do that because having got the phone online I get cashback when providing certain bills, so i may as well not use the contract at all, it would be cheaper.

Any other idea's? is there no certain criteria that need to be fulfilled in order for someone to be able to cancel their contract without having to buy it out?

any more help would be much appreciated. daz.
Posted: 2004-12-09 14:13:28
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methylated_spirit Posts: > 500

three are hopeless...i have so many problems but they have mostly been mentioned
Posted: 2004-12-09 14:28:25
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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

I know alot of people on three though, it seems if there isn't a problem then all is swell, but if you ever do have a problem your screwed!

what rubbish. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks without my main phone... I wonder how long this will last?!
Posted: 2004-12-09 16:11:12
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Sorry to hear it Daz. I do not know anyone who has manage to get there contract cancelled. If anyone reading this has then post details please.

There must be some clause somewhere. Have you still got your contract?

I know who I won't be using for 3G....
Posted: 2004-12-10 14:35:23
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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

Ok, well just to update you all on this matter...

My sim card is STILL not working. The funny thing is i got a 3 contract with 12 months free line rental, so i'm just using that. Now, the longer they take sorting out my phone, the more money I get back from them and the more pissed off i have the right to be.

So all in all, it's not turned out too badly. I just hope i can get my cashback on the phone that isn't working, as i had one of those 12 months at half price on that phone...

We'll see anyway. Hope nobody else has had this happen to them though. Daz.
Posted: 2004-12-24 19:25:05
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


That really is a bad showing. 3 need to get their act together if they want to keep all those customers they have attracted.
Posted: 2004-12-25 04:05:20
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amnesia Posts: > 500

its a well known fact that three is messed up.

I had four contracts in my name, one was cancelled in error, when calling to reactivate it, they said I could only have three contracts.

(the three I already had were for friends in my name)

So i was stuck with nothing.

I went to CPW where THEY said I could only have TWO in the first place.

So I went to the CPW accross the street who gave me TWO more contracts, (total 5 now).

I cancelled an older one (giving me a total of 4 now)

Two weeks later, Three called me saying that they could offer me THREE more contracts if I wanted.....

Why all these games

(note: there was a reason to cancelling and reactivating etc..)
Posted: 2004-12-25 20:04:23
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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

Hey Guys,

Just thought i'd update you on how crap three uk are. I'm currently on hold, having been on the phone to them for an hour and finally getting through to someone that is apparently a "manager".

My Sim card is STILL not working, that's correct, since November last year, after numerous reassurances that it would start working, it hasn't. Not only that, but in February/march time i cancelled my direct debit after being told by a CS rep that it was ok to do. I thought, as I was not getting any service I shouldn't be paying any money.

Ok, so last week I get a letter from a debt collection agency! Saying i have outstanding bills to pay. There is someone using my account, and i'm supposed to pay up. I'm apparently going to be summoned to court on thursday if I don't pay up. How rediculous is that?

Now speaking to a "manager" he seems to think that i should have to pay for the line rental, but maybe not the usage. Three have the worst customer service i have ever seen.

If anyone has any ideas on how i can save myself paying what will no doubt amount ot around £200 please let me know! The number for some Three executive would be nice, or someone that can actually do something!

Someone Help?!
Posted: 2005-08-15 12:55:56
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Hi Daz. It would seem that 3 have failed miserably to provide any customer service either telephone service or otherwise.

An idea might be to actually go to court and point out that 3Uk have given you a sim that has not worked since last November and that you have had no service from them as a consequence!!! So why should you pay when they are in a clear breach of contract.

Write to your local paper, get in touch with your radio station and at the same time contact 3UK telling them you have lodged a complaint with OFCOM.

I really can't believe this has been going on this long. Have they no shops or offices you can visit?

Have you taken it back to the place where you bought it?
Posted: 2005-08-15 13:51:36
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