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bart Posts: > 500

anymore nems or rumours on this?
Posted: 2006-02-25 13:44:11
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

it would be great the asian toys r us ( aka sony ) should make fones its own, might be they ll be able to put one together, guess the swedish collegaues showed them enough. its time to let the real knowledge rule the mobile world. but if se stays, it doesnt bother me anymore, i turned to nokia, according the traditon, the enemy of my enemy is my friend...
Posted: 2006-02-26 00:10:55
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dr_thug Posts: > 500

Finally,boba is here!!!
Posted: 2006-02-26 00:22:05
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

i can hardly imgaine, that /// would make mobile fones again, but if sony would do the favour and return to asia to spread there more shame in mobile business, i wouldnt mind. /// should have stopped making mobile fones, if they wanted, instead of merge with that cheap-copy-company.
Posted: 2006-02-26 00:41:18
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david1975 Posts: > 500

well i think it would be good for ericsson to be back where they were sony dont really offer much only their name oh and maybe a memory stick but that wont matter to much will it
Posted: 2006-02-26 01:26:50
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maki101 Posts: 207

To me more realistic scenario is Sony to bay whole package of SE group, but maybe 50-50 as is now is the best for end users :-) This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2006-02-26 04:04:15
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Julidzg Posts: 23

I think it's not good that Sony or Ericsson buy all of SE cause each one of them makes a part of the cellphon, sony makes all the media and ericsson makes the network part, the antenna and other thimˇngd native on a cellphone, but sony put the experience on viedo cameras tvs and radios on the cellphones, and those are things that i think ericsson wont do that good cause it ha never made a tv or radio or camera.
Posted: 2006-02-26 06:22:49
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

dont forget, that /// is a huge company, so the mobile platform was just a piece of the big cake. if the mob platform hasnt merged with sony, /// would be still what it was and the develpoment and knowledge was given by /// for the mobile communication, would be used and developed by the other brands. /// is more then busy in the background now a days.
Posted: 2006-02-26 06:38:06
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dadalin Posts: 11

Really a interesting information
looking forward to more
Posted: 2006-02-26 07:47:08
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Tigerblade Posts: 68

I agree with Coxy. Ericsson phones, IMO, are ugly and bland. Sony put the zing and style into the handsets. No Sony = big mistake, and they WILL lose a lot of customers without a shadow of a doubt.

IF this were to happen I'd go straight back to Nokia, I'm being tempted now because the successor to the z800 is taking so god damn long.
Posted: 2006-02-27 10:29:11
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