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sevastos Posts: 105

On 2005-04-09 18:50:37, redmott wrote:
i have had no trouble with my v800 what so ever.. i think you guys should stop messing around with the software, and stop trying to unbrand and upgrade.. use the phone as it came..if its no good send it back and get another type of handset.
have you ever thought..maybe vodafone dont want you messing with their baby!!

Hey, relax mate! What are you trying to prove here??? That you are the smart and "good" guy and all the others are stupid? Messing around? What everyone does it's his and only HIS business!!! Now, when someone needs sth, this is the right place to look for answers. If you don't like the topic, just ignore it, don't try to be the "smart" one here. Anyway, welcome to Esato!!! I see that this was your first post. What a great way to start!!! And by the way, the baby's "daddy" is the one who pays for it...
Posted: 2005-04-10 01:46:37
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

On 2005-04-09 18:50:37, redmott wrote:
i have had no trouble with my v800 what so ever.. i think you guys should stop messing around with the software, and stop trying to unbrand and upgrade.. use the phone as it came..if its no good send it back and get another type of handset.
have you ever thought..maybe vodafone dont want you messing with their baby!!

Just when people were saying Esato was becoming boring ...

This really isn't a good attitude to have on here, or any mobile forum to be honest. The members of mobile forums tend to be geeks and techies, we like modifying our handsets. As a point of interest, network branding is also software modification; the networks alter the firmware and install their own modified versions of it. Perhaps it is the networks who should leave SE's 'babys' alone?

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2005-04-10 14:03 ]
Posted: 2005-04-10 15:02:22
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sevastos Posts: 105


I was new here too, but I respected the older or even the newer members. You have an attitude problem. I have the V800 since November and you have no right to tell me or anyone else what to do with my phone! Esato is a place where you can ask for help, give advices, talk for whatever you want, for the keyboard of your old cell phone, or even for your girlfriend's panties if you want to, BUT YOU CAN'T CRITICISE the other members in way like this, especially if that's your first post!
Posted: 2005-04-10 17:14:16
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

I think the chap has gotten the message now, let's just welcome him to Esato and hope that he settles in.
Posted: 2005-04-10 17:33:04
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

great to see how the seniority argument keeps coming back
Stiop pounding on every person who happens to have a mind of their own, software flashing and debranding isn't exactly the 'holy grail' of phone owner ship.

besides, in functionality there really is very little difference between the firmwares, it's mostly cosmetic changes and relocation of certain links, rather than completely omitting them. the real big downer on branded software is usually the locking of internet profiles... other than that it really isn't all that big a deal.

The guy has a point though, generally speaking phones are modified to be optimised to work with the networks services...... in other words unbranding it won't necessarily make it better.

I'll give you one example of what I've seen on my unbranded V800

With Vodafone software on it I could log in on esato lite and remain logged in, read my PM's, post replies and so on and so forth.
With unbranded software I can no longer remain logged in, I have the same problem as I have experienced on every other unbranded phone I've owned before and esato lite is once again beyond my reach.

Moral of the story: there's downsides to every software, even the 'holy' unbranded original software.

Now let's try and have a civilised conversation about this shall we?

Posted: 2005-04-11 09:40:03
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


That's as may be, but posting in a mobile phone forum full of phone geeks and suggesting that they not do things like modify their firmware is akin to to asking a Trekkers not to wear pointed ears.

I think the chap has realised that people here are intereted in such topics (the firmware, not the ears) and, whilst entitled to his views, the majority here don't share them.

I think this discussion would benefit from getting back on track.
Posted: 2005-04-11 14:17:10
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Gunslinger Posts: 19


There is nothing wrong with my SIM. I tried it in an 2G handset and it works fine. The thing is, I have full reception, both 3G and GSM. I just can't make any calls. Whenever I try to I get the three beeps. If I switch to GSM only it works fine, using the Voda SIM.

When I tried another operator in my newly liberated V800 it worked fine with 3G as well as GSM in the same place as Vodafone gave me the three beeps. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that there is something wrong with the network in my area. This is what I have told Vodafone when I called them to tell them to get their shit together and stop giving me the run around.

[ This Message was edited by: Gunslinger on 2005-04-11 20:04 ]
Posted: 2005-04-11 21:03:49
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Bobajobbob Posts: 41

My new battery finally arrived at work so by tomorrow night I will have a better idea as to whether it is Vodafone 3G causing the problems or whether it was a individual handset problem.
Posted: 2005-04-12 21:31:42
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Bobajobbob Posts: 41

OK so finally I have my new (second hand) handset and a new battery and it seems to be working! I am sitting at home with reception! I haven't run extensive tests but all seems well and if I choose GSM only there is a noticeable difference with this handset in that it is actually connecting to the GSM network

The only bummer now is that I just realised that the second hand hand set that they replaced my 2 week old phone with has a dodgy volume button....doh. Life is too short to moan about that but double doh all the same.
Posted: 2005-04-13 22:57:09
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Gunslinger Posts: 19

Then it works as well (or as bad) as mine does. GSM only at home and 3G/GSM everywhere else. I'm going to call Voda tomorrow as it is then one week since I reported the faulty network in my area.
Posted: 2005-04-14 16:00:13
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